Sri Lankan research scientist Dr. Gamini Piyadasa in a study undertaken on the presence of anti-gravity which has remained an elusive force in the science world, has proven through analysis and experimental work that there is clear evidence to support the existence of force against gravity.
While there have been many studies which interpret or rationalise the cause of gravity, no such attempts have been made with regard to anti-gravity. Dr. Piyadasa’s pioneering study is the first of its kind in the science world on a major phenomenon in nature that is yet to be recognised.
In his research, Dr Piyadasa’s experiment studies the upward mobility of iodine molecules in a vacuum. In this study, the iodine molecules which undergo a change of state/phase transition to gaseous by acquiring heat have shown a movement against the gravitational force. In this same study, the upward movement against the gravitational pull of very heavy metallic substances, such as Tungsten/Thorium in vacuum has also been shown.
Dr Piyadasa demonstrates through experiential evidence with information about a force against conventional gravity which is shown to increase with temperature – the internal energy of a water droplet under observation.
“We expect gravity to act on the molecules and pull them downward especially as the molecules are in a vacuum which should make them deposit themselves on the lower part of the encircled paper,” he says in the research paper.
“However, when heating/evaporation of the iodine was attempted, a deposition of iodine on the upper part of the paper was observed.”
The objective of this endeavour was to establish the presence of anti-gravity force which is yet to be identified in the realm of science.
Simplifying the theory, Dr Piyadasa adds that both positive (+) and negative (-) electric fields and North (N) and South (S) magnetic poles of opposite character are encountered. Even for the electron (-), the positron (+) is also an alternative possibility. In this light, if gravity is taken as positive (+) gravity and negative (-) gravity would amount to anti-gravity.
“Further physicists over the years have attempted to forge a unified theory for all types of energy. In this context too, the anti-gravity concept is worthy of consideration.”
The experimental work was conducted at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba. Dr Piyadasa was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. The initial stage of this research was funded by the Sri Lanka National Science Foundation under the Grant No NSF/scientist/2007/01. Duplication of the experiments was conducted and supported by the Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC).