Malay CC office bearers | Sunday Observer

Malay CC office bearers

28 April, 2019

Colombo Malay Cricket Club held its annual general meeting recently at the Padang Complex to elect officials for the forthcoming year and incumbent president Inbusha Ally was unanimously reelected while Rimaldin Rahaman and Rinza Samat was elected as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Officials elected:

President: Inbusha Ally

Vice Presidents: Zulsky Pasella, Ayub Muthaliph, Nizar Allang, Izwan Ahamat, Sabrina Jayah, Nimeth Raheem, Binthan Rahaman, Fazul Jayah, Roshan Allang and Zia Ramlan

Secretary: Rimaldin Rahaman

Asst. Secretary: Perry Jumat

Treasurer: Rinza Borham

Asst. Treasurer: Yaseen Samat

Cricket Secretary: Akbar Samidon.
