Youth exchange | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Youth exchange

24 February, 2019
A presentation  conducted by the Training Branch at NCC HQ
A presentation conducted by the Training Branch at NCC HQ

Cadets participating on foreign tours are selected through a highly transparent selection procedure in which prominence is given to Hermann Loss championship winners each year

Youth exchange programs conducted by the National Cadet Corps (NCC) is another attractive aspect of a cadet’s life. There is a strong bond among cadets from SAARC countries, and it has been useful to host youth exchange programs continuously.

These youth exchange programs aim to improve the international understanding of the cadet corps. SAARC countries, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan are the top five countries who have implemented Cadet exchange programs with Sri Lanka.

Cadets participating on these foreign tours are selected through a highly transparent selection procedure in which prominence is given to the Hermann Loss championshipwinning Sergeants each year. Also, From the eight Cadets are chosen at battalion level and they will qualifiy for the Foreign tour when they get through the interview conducted at the Headquarters.

Even though the number of boy cadets are higher in Sri Lanka, boys and girls cadets receive same number of slots for these tours.

Similarly, cadets from other countries also visit Sri Lanka. Most of the times, these foreign cadets participate in the Herman Loos Challenge at Rantambe and participate in activities together with Sri Lankan cadets.

Therefore, even though all cadets do not receive the opportunity to take part in foreign tours, they have the chance to meet foreign cadets at Rantambe, where they can share thoughts, ideas and make new friends.

Another significant fact is that cadets get the opportunity to meet Presidents, Prime Ministers, senior members of Defence Ministries and Tri force Commanders of different countries. SAARC students who visited Sri Lanka last year paid courtesy calls on Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and the State Minister of Defence RuwanWijeyawardene.

Some of the foreign tour opportunities for Sri Lankan cadet corps


The Indian Republic Day Camp is held in January every year. Representing Sri Lanka, two Officers and 12 Cadets (six boys & six Girls) are privileged to participate in the camp for a period of 15 days.

Other than that, Indian Shivaji trail Trek Camp is held in November every year. Six cadets and one Officer can Participate in this event.


The National Cadet Corps and Army Day celebrations Parade in Nepal is held February each year in Kathmandu, Nepal. Twenty cadets (10 Girls & 10 Boys) and three Officers are invited every year to attend this grand ceremony.


The Maldivian NCC camp is held in November every year.

Upon the invitation of Maldivian government, Officers and Cadets (Boys & Girls) from Sri Lanka, visit the island nation for a period of 10 days as distinguished guests.


Three Officers and 10 Cadets ( Boys & Girls) leave for Bangladesh to attend the Victory Day Parade held in Dhaka, Bangladesh is December every year.


The High Commission of Pakistan extend an invitation every year to Officers and 16 Cadets (Boys and Girls) to visit Pakistan as a good will tour.
