Enjoining order against Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) | Sunday Observer

Enjoining order against Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka)

24 February, 2019

Colombo Commercial High Court has issued an enjoining order against Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) restraining them from taking any measures to award the contract for advertising on the Pier No. 01 (including boarding gates in the Pier No.01) to any party other than the successful bidder; Richardson Outdoor (Pvt) Ltd.

According to documents sighted by the Sunday Observer, Richardson Outdoor instituted action before the Commercial High Court of Colombo on the basis that notwithstanding its bid being recommended for the award of the tender after evaluation by the Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) the respondents have failed to do so.

Subsequent to an Appeal Board hearing and a Letter of Award being issued to Richardson Outdoor and Richardson Outdoor accepting the Letter of Award and despite numerous attempts by Richardson Outdoor to meet with the Airport and Aviation Services to discuss logistics and roll out plans, the Airport and Aviation Services refused to take any steps to meet with Richardson Outdoor.

Richardson Outdoor also drew the attention of Court to the Airport and Aviation Services taking steps to extend and or enter into a new contract with the previous franchise holder in violation of Richardson Outdoors’ rights.

Attorneys at Law Chandaka Jayasundere P.C. with Shivaan Kanag-Isvaran and Rehan Almeida instructed by Sinnadurai Sundaralingam and Balendra appeared for the Plaintiff Richardson Outdoor (Pvt) Ltd. Several attempts made to contact officials from Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) by the Sunday Observer failed.
