Able professionally qualified well-mannered partner around fifty sought by respectable G/B parents for attractive much younger looking well qualified daughter with a decent job in reputed organization in U.K. Divorcees /widowers considered. Willing to migrate. Email: springmarriage@gmail.com
About our daughter,she is a professional Physiotherapist with a full time permanent job in Melbourne. She has a Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy from a recognized University in Australia. Parents Sinhala,Catholic /Buddhist and dual citizens living in Melbourne. Caste and religion immaterial. Please reply with details to mrgpropaust@gmail.com
About 42 pleasant 5’2” professionally qualified BSC Science well employed PR in Australia. Well established never married and caring, seek professional partner doctors, engineers preferred +6144458386 [email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified caring son is sought by G/B family living in Colombo for their daughter 38,5’5”. She is a PHD Holder from UK. Currently working in Colombo. Please reply with family details and horoscope. mproposal600@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified employed well-mannered caring son is sought by retired G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty well accomplished only daughter. She is well-employed with postgraduate qualification from UK University. Also a qualified UK solicitor. Born in May ‘86. Height 5’8”. Kuja in 7th House but favourable. Prefer a son who can converse fluent in English and has a good personality. Please reply with horoscope to: partnerproposal@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified Govi Buddhist partner is sought by respectable Buddhist parents from Colombo suburbs for their kind hearted,fair,attractive daughter respects family values outgoing personality,unblemished character. 24 yrs. 5’1’’,non-malefic horoscope,educated in a leading girls school in Colombo,BSc Management graduate from UCD currently employed as a Senior Executive in a leading UK based company in Colombo. Please reply with full details and copy of horoscope in first communication. proposals.may2015@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified kind caring son is sought by Colombo suburbs B/G parents for their pretty, fair, kind, well mannered science graduate daughter. 1988 Dec. 5’4” holds MSc in food science. Currently working as a chemist in a reputed multinational company. Please reply with horoscope and family details.
Academically and professionally qualified NS,well mannered and caring son,is sought by Buddhist /Catholic professional parents for their pretty,fair,kind 34 yrs,5’5” daughter (Case Manager) higher educated and employed in Australia. Marriage limited to signature only. Separated due to incompatibility. A son currently living and employed in Australia is preferred. Reply with full family details and copy of horoscope. Gmail: herathpro2018@gmail.comCont. 0413483062.
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by B/K parents for their elder daughter 1989 Sep.,5’3”,B.Eng.,PhD. (Foreign University) qualified. Mesha Lagna,Deta Nekatha,Kiwi 7 Sandu 8 non-malefic horoscope,Kuja 3,5,6,9,10,11 preferred. Reply with family details contact numbers and horoscope. Karawa and Govi only. marriageproposal2019@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner sought by Govigama B/C parents for only child. Attractive accomplished born 1980 down to earth kind hearted educated mostly abroad graduated and post graduated from highly prestigious University abroad CIMA operational level licentiate pianoforte was employed in Sri Lanka and abroad,presently employed abroad will inherit substantial assets. Please reply giving family details and contact numbers. email: tityvone@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner with Buddhist value is sought by affluent G/B parents in Colombo suburb for their Graduate daughter,currently residing in Sri Lanka with UK dual citizenship,very fair,pretty,kind-hearted,1979 born,5’3” height,with substantial properties in Sri Lanka and UK. Reply with family details and horoscope to : Lankamproposal19@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified smart son sought by respectable G/B up country parents from Kandy for our only daughter 24 (1994 Oct) 5’4” educated in a leading school Kandy, smart pretty daughter finished her Nursing Degree in Australia and working there, PR holder, Doctors preferable. Please reply with family details phone No horoscope. Email: sandyabandara@yahoomail.c
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by respectable G/B parents for their daughter,30 years old 5’5” height,slim,pretty mild complexion with true Sri Lankan values. She is holding a managerial position in a leading Bank in Canada after the graduation. Please reply with family details and the horoscope to: dr1988proposal@mail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son sought by Buddhist /Govi parents for their daughter MBBS Doctor born and raised in Australia,26 y old brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Australian /NZ /UK citizen preferred. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email: akbmw80@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son sought by G/B parents for their daughter 28 yrs, 5’6”pretty, dual citizen Sri Lanka and Australia MMBS doctor working in Melbourne. Please reply with contact details. E-mail. [email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered caring son is sought by Buddhist Sinhalese parents living in New Zealand for their daughter aged 24 y 9 mths,height 5’4” fair pretty slim qualified with BSc/BCom and professionally qualified. She is employed as an Accountant in a New Zealand Company. Please reply with family details. Email: vguna56@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified handsome partner with sober habits is sought by B/G parents currently living in Colombo,for their daughter October 1985 born,5’2’’ in height very fair beautiful MBBS Doctor. Divorced from short proposed marriage. No encumbrances. Inherits luxury house in Colombo. Only brother is an IT Audit Consultant married. Owns luxury apartment in Colombo. Educated reputed businessman also considered. Reply with full family details horoscope and contact number. wijesunil1@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified suitable partner sought by B/G parents for their daughter BSC Accounting graduate in Australian. Born in 1989 height 5’3” and well broughtup with Sinhala and Buddhist value. Please reply with horoscope family details & contact numbers Email:- [email protected]
Academically qualified professional sought by sister for her only sister born in 1972,B/G,5’5”,divorced as plaintiff. No encumbrances. Studied at leading private school in Colombo 7 and abroad. Owns an Educational Institution with considerable income. Owns assets including a house and vehicles. Would prefer a partner holding overseas PR. Sister is settled in the UK. Caste/race/religion immaterial. Reply with family details and horoscope if available. deehamar19@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified caring partner sought by B/G highly respected parents for their kind-hearted attractive,daughter born (1991),height 5’2”,working as a Special Education Teacher & completed the higher education as a Counsellor from University of Colombo. Inherits upstair house in Nugegoda. Reply with family details,along with a copy of horoscope and phone nuumber to: Email: proposal1113@gmail.com
Academically /professionally qualified well mannered honest caring partner is sought by GB parents for their well established MBBS Doctor daughter,working overseas. She is 5’ tall 1982,slim,fair,pretty with excellent character and a pleasing personality. Please reply with full family details. Email: mprp1428@gmail.com
Academically /professionally qualified,teetotaller,around 28 yrs from respectable family is sought by B/G parents residing Colombo suburb for their pretty,fair,26 yrs.,5’ daughter studied in leading girls’ school Colombo and well brought up in a Sinhala Buddhist surrounding. She is holding a BSc degree in computing,working in computing field presently. Please reply with family details,a copy of horoscope. Preferably Colombo suburbs. (Kataka Lagna Shani 7) and contact to; kkbdkbs@gmail.com
Academically,professionally qualified kind partner is sought for cousin sister 36+,5’8”,Senior Lecturer at a State University. Deceased parents are of mixed race (Sinhala and Tamil). Willing to relocate if required. Differences immaterial. Reply with full details and horoscope. marriageprop8@gmail.com
Affluent,well connected,Sinhala,Buddhist,Govigama,educated,entrepreneurial parents from an English speaking background in Colombo,seek for their pretty,slim,tall,accomplished,professionally qualified (overseas educated) daughter of 33 years,having experienced an unsuccessful marriage with no children due to incompatibility,presently living & employed in Sri Lanka,an equally well qualified,(preferably overseas educated),accomplished son below 37 years with sober habits,living permanently in Sri Lanka,from a similar English speaking,affluent social /family background. Please reply furnishing all educational and other relevant details of groom and details of family,along with a copy of his horoscope to dproposal555@yahoo.com
A B/G Colombo professional reputed family seeks an educated son hoping to settle in Colombo from a similar family for their 1989 August born 5 ft petite daughter with a foreign Degree in Civil Engineering working for own construction company. Reply with all details and horoscope. proposalemail123@gmail.com
A pretty well accomplished Buddhist daughter born 1982 professionally & academically qualified well employed with assets. Divorced from brief proposal marriage. Retired father seeks an educated qualified down to earth partner. Horoscope needed (malefic) shaku2107@gmail.com
A suitable partner is sought by R/C Sinhala parents in Australia for their only child Medical Doctor,working in Australia. She is 29 yrs.,height 5’,pleasant. Contact with family details. Email : mbcs2018@yahoo.com
BG parents Colombo. Father Visiting Lecturer,mother teacher,brother and sister-in-law Doctors. Seek a suitable partner for their daughter,born 1990,height 5’4”,slightly squint eyes from birth. Science graduate,government officer looking for an open minded,kind hearted,understanding groom with good family background. Reply with contact No. and horoscope to e-mail: wedproposals2019@gmail.com
Bodu Durawa parents from Colombo seek academically or professionally qualified partner for their daughter born in May 1987,5’1” fair educated at a leading Buddhist School in Colombo. Presently employed in a state affiliated bank almost completed her banking exams and Management Degree. Inherits substantial assets including an upstair house in Colombo. Kindly reply with family details,horoscope and contact numbers. dayaratnew@gmail.com
Bodu Govi parents from Kandy seek a loving partner for their 32 year old 5’6” pretty, fair, professionally qualified daughter. Rahu on the 7th house. Inherits substantial assets. If interested, please send your family details along with your son’s horoscope to [email protected]
Bodu Sinhala dual citizen parents residing in Australia seek a professional well-employed smart preferably an Australian or New Zealand citizen son for their only daughter. She is a 27 yrs /5’8” well-employed charming medical professional. Reply with details of the proposed son and family to email: naran1822@gmail.com
Buddhist Low country Sinhala parents seek a bride groom of similar status to their only daughter 27 yrs, 5’4” completed her bachelor’s degree in finance in U.S.A. and starting her M.B.A. in USA. currently. Cast immaterial. Those interested could respond with family details and copy of horoscope. [email protected]
Buddhist mother seeks a partner for 1978 December born daughter slim fair 5’3’’ height educated Colombo school working as a Manager Colombo organization. Assets Colombo land cash jewellery. TP: 011 5762030. E-mail: 1978prop@gmail.com
Buddhist parents are looking for an academically and professionally qualified son with sober habits and good values from a respectable family for our daughter who is pretty and a qualified medical doctor of 31 years,height 5’6” working in Washington State,USA. Only USA residents will be considered. Please send full details and horoscope. to pwl5512@gmail.com
Buddhist 35+ yrs Tamil Sinhala mixed Sinhala educated 5’6” tall only daughter. She has a management degree. Now she following a MSc degree in Australia. She worked as an English Teacher 4 yrs. After followed a Hotel Management diploma course. Race Religion immaterial who are living Australia, NewZealand can apply.
Buddhist /Govi Sinhalese family lives in Canada,Canadian citizen,seeks an academically qualified well mannered son from Canada /USA /Australia,daughter age 25 and 5’5” fair,pretty,slim,grownup with Sinhalese Buddhist values. BSc from well reputed Canadian University,works in Canada. Please respond with details and horoscope. peradeniya18@gmail.com
Buddhist, Australian Citizen sister looking for a professionally qualified partner for younger sister. 41 graduate executive at an international bank in Colombo. Email: horoscope with details to [email protected]
B/Deva parents seek an educated partner for their daughter working for a Government Corporation. Born in 1981 November 5’3” tall slim pretty fair owns house and car. Please respond with details. m.proposal7512@gmail.com
B/G Kandyan parents invite educated professional son for their fair, slim, pretty, 35yrs, 5’3” daughter holding dual degrees (BSc/ MBA) and managerial position with six figure salary, willing to migrate Email: [email protected] 0813815816
B/G mother seeks a suitable partner for their slim,pretty daughter 1973 born,Bank Executive,5’5’’ Kuja 7,owns house & car. senapathi2019@gmail.com
B/G parents Colombo suburbs seek an academically professionally qualified kind understanding son height above 5’6’’ for their pretty only daughter born in 1983,5’4’’,IT consultant employed in a bank (MBA qualified) brought-up with Buddhist values. Reply with non-malefic horoscope & family details (age between 36-39 yrs.) Email: mangalaseenu2016@gmail.com
B/G parents in Kiribathgoda Western Province proposed daughter born in 1989 July,fair,5’7” studied in a leading Girls’ school in Colombo 7. She has obtained two degrees in Business Administration and Marketing,reading for her MBA at Sri Jayawardenepura University while working in a private company as a Senior Executive. She has a house in Colombo 7. A suitable,handsome,educated,intelligent employed son is sought. If satisfied please email details along with horoscope. Tel. 0112918163. prpsenanayake@hotmail.com
B/G parents living in Canada seeking a professional handsome son,non-smoker living in Canada for our daughter who has dual citizenship. She is 27 years of age,5’1”,pretty and fair. Graduated from a well reputable University in Canada and holds Business degree. She is currently working at a leading company. Please reply with family details and contact information. E-mail: proposal1830@hotmail.com
B/G respectable parents from Gampaha,reputed business owners,father - government medical officer,mother - retired graduate teacher,seek academically and professionally qualified or educated entrepreneurial son,for their only 25 year old daughter. Local university final year student,5’6”,pretty with assets. Reply with horoscope and family details. nrsgampaha123@gmail.com
B/K parents from Kandy seek professionally qualified son for our daughter born 1989,studied in a leading school in Kandy graduated from a leading University in UK also worked two years in UK after completing the degree,completed MBA. She is tall 5’4”,slim and very pretty and well brought up according to Buddhist values. Reply with family details,horoscope,contact details,proposal_de@yahoo.com
Colombo B/S/G respectable parents seek qualified handsome son for their MBBS daughter 1986 born 5’4’ height,training in UK. Pls. reply with horoscope & family details. Email : proposalpan@gmail.com
Colombo Govi Buddhist 45 yrs. fair slim pretty,5’2”,caring (legally divorced one year marriage innocent party no encumbrances) drawing five figure steady monthly income,running small concern seeks employed partner really interested in a marriage who can take independent decision. Widower or divorced with or without children considered,religion immaterial. Reply with full details to rose21061@gmail.com
Colombo,Bodu-Govi educated,professional parents seek a suitable partner for their pretty,well brought up 29 years old daughter,5’6’’ educated at a leading girls’ school in Colombo. She has a modern house in Colombo and substantial assets. We prefer a partner who will reside with her. Please note that our daughter takes treatment for a medical condition. Please respond with family details and horoscope. subg68@outlook.com
Doctor parents wanted a professional son to my Doctor daughter born in 1987. Father Buddhist mother Tamil Christian. Colombo. [email protected]
Father,Colombo,S/B,a professional,seeks a son for his daughter who is also a professional (Finance) 5’0”,youngish looking,pretty,slim and simple girl aged 28+,presently working as a Senior Executive in a company preferred N/S,T/T son,from respectable family,with similar education /professional background,without family encumbrances. Overseas proposals considered,please reply by email with a copy of HC. 2019bride90@gmail.com
For 1974 born 5’3” Civil Engineer daughter B/G mother seeks educated partner. Reply with horoscope and details. Email: propo145@yahoo.com
Friend seeks a kind,caring trustworthy genuine partner for B/G 46 years divorced looks thirty’s with no encumbrances. Professionally qualified. Either locally or overseas for a simple life. Only genuine divorcees /widowers who could accept her as it is please. shandypropoal1@gmail.com
Gampaha B/G parents seek professionally qualified son for daughter 35,5’3”,fair /slim BSc (SL) MSc (UK) MBA (UK) working as Senior Executive in a leading institute. kuma1952@yahoo.com
Gampaha B/K retired Assistant Secretary /Lawyer father Teacher mother seek academically professionally qualified son for their daughter (only child) born in 1981 June 5’2” BSc.,MSc. Teacher with more assets. Kuja 8. Reply with horoscope.
GB professional parents seek professionally qualified kind hearted son,preferably TT/NS,and good character for their 27 slim,fair,pretty caring daughter excellent character,recently qualified doctor in Australia. Caste immaterial. Presently on holiday in Sri Lanka. Please reply with family details,horoscope. email - propdhuwa@hotmail.com
Govi Buddhist Doctor parents in U.K. seek a partner for pretty fair daughter Doctor in specialist training in U.K. Born July 1985,elder daughter Doctor married. Younger son Engineer. Looking for a son living or able to do so. Please contact by E-mail only. Limited access. Leave message +441206531320. bnjaya1@yahoo.co.uk
Govi Buddhist parents of 1981 born,only daughter employed with professional ACIM (UK) marketing qualifications,5’ height fair and pretty,owning property with Rahu 7 horoscope,seek a professional /academic partner of equal status. Brother a banker in Australia. Reply with horoscope. Email: fourlucky17@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist well-connected parents seek an academically and professionally qualified handsome son for their daughter. PhD qualified senior lecture at a state university. 33 years 5’4” slim very fair and pretty with substantial assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope. [email protected]
Govi Buddhist /Catholic parents from Colombo seek an educated professional well mannered partner below 33 years from a respectable family for their slim,pretty elder daughter 28 yrs. Roman Catholic. Born in January 1991 height 5’3” Convent educated holds a BA and MA degree in French language from a state university. Currently works as a Lecturer in a leading educational institution in Colombo. Inherits substantial assets. Parents are retired bank managers,younger sister is a doctor. Please reply with full details and telephone number to email: wijaprop7@gmail.com
G/B family seeks an educated professional partner for the youngest sister 1972,5’3” MSc Graduate Executive in a semi-government institution,inherits considerable assets. Reply with horoscope & family details.
G/B mother looking for well mannered son of 30 - 32 years of age for pretty slim well educated daughter 5’4”,29 years working in IT industry,looking for a well educated son (even reading /qualified PhD) working in IT/Engineering,migrated and living abroad (UK or Australia) with respect for S/B culture. Reply with details - lifep442@gmail.com
G/B parents from Colombo seek an educated suitable partner for daughter 33 yrs,5’4’’,slim,attractive,qualified in England BA (Hons) & MBA. Reply with family details and horoscope (Catholic & Buddhist are welcome) E-mail: proposalmag@yahoo.com
G/B parents residing Colombo 4,seek academically and professionally qualified partner for their daughter 45,5’3”,good-looking,educated and working as an Executive Officer. Please reply by email/post with full details contact numbers with horoscope. rcb2018mproposal@gmail.com
G/B,family living in Colombo,father retired Senior Executive in government sector,mother housewife,seek kind,educated,professionally qualified well employed in Sri Lanka or abroad,having good family background,groom for their daughter with good character,64 inch,slim,fair,pretty,28,Visakia,having B.Sc. Management Degree and CIMA,presently working as Executive at Global company,having assets. Please reply with horoscope copy,family details and contact Nos. in first letter. Email: kavirandeniya9@gmail.comor via newspaper.
Ja-Ela - Roman Catholic Sinhala parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter who has a pleasant personality age 36,height 5’6”,educated,employed in a leading organization,owns a land close to the main road and a motor vehicle. E-mail: shiranijus@gmail.comDivorcees may not reply.
Kalutara Bodu Salagama parents seek a suitable partner for their 1984 Nov. 5’6” average built studied at a leading Colombo school foreign graduate MBBS doctor working government sector,inherits assets. Reply with horoscope and family details. bharathaweera@gmail.com
Kandyan Buddhist Govi parents in Colombo suburbs seek professionally qualified well established caring son from similar background for daughter,never married,1974/11,5’1”,absolutely young looking around mid-thirties. Pretty and smart. CIM (UK),SLIM qualified,working in Colombo in executive capacity with good parks. Substantial assets in Colombo & outstations. Genuine replies with true details,contact numbers & horoscope. nelumprop2017@gmail.com
Kandyan Govi Buddhist parents in suburban Colombo seek a professional or academically qualified Govi Buddhist partner for their English Medium BSc MSc daughter 1987/10,4’11” thalaelalu complexion,pleasant appearance employed as Consultant and Research Assistant. Willing to migrate to US and New Zealand in particular. Email: nbm987@yahoo.com
Kandyan Govi Buddhist parents seek well-employed partner for pretty daughter 1970 height 5’4” holding high position. 0112572455. searchtrtur@gmail.com
Kandy, B/G Medical Specialist parent, seeks a N/S, T/T, kind, honest, and caring Academically and professionally qualified son, below 35 yrs of age and above 5’6” height, from a similar family background, for 1989 December born, MBBS Doctor daughter, working at a Government Hospital. Please send all the family details and Son’s horoscope in the first communication. Non-malefic horoscopes only please. E-mail [email protected]
Kiribathgoda,Christian,41 yrs,working as a Secretary at RDB,daughter,mother seeks suitable son. prp.kir@gmail.com
Moor parents Colombo seek professionally qualified religious groom from Sunnath-wal-Jamath family for their working as MLT in a Semi Government,reputed hospital Colombo,5’5’’ height,religious fair,24 yrs,BSc graduate slim,pretty daughter. E-mail: 59sarafathima@gmail.com
Moor parents seek a religious,educated partner who is a bachelor for their daughter,31 years,unmarried,professionally and academically qualified. shahulimran11@gmail.com
Piliyandala B/G retired parents seek graduated same caste son for their good charactered unmarried daughter 1984/03,5’1’’,MSc (Moratuwa) holding executive position with professional siblings. Western Province/overseas prefered. proposals198403@gamil.com
Pretty lady late 50’s needs companion age over 65 yrs. Preferred Christian foreigner also welcome. Email ranjanie001@hotmail.comwith your contact No.
Professionally qualified partner sought by Hindu Vellalar parents. Daughter 46 never married very young looking,owns house in Colombo,caste religion immaterial. Contact with details. marrage.proposal@yahoo.com
Respectable Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Colombo suburbs looking for a suitable partner for their daughter 26 yrs. 5’4” hgt,moderately fair slim attractive. Attorney-at-Law practising in Colombo Courts,Kanya lagna. Reply with a copy of horoscope. Caste immaterial. email - lalanigunaratna@gmail.com
Respectable Sinhala Buddhist parents residing in Colombo suburbs looking for a suitable partner for their pretty daughter Chartered Accountant employed in a reputed company as a Senior Manager 34 yrs. 5’4” height moderately fair medium built,Kanya lagna non malefic. Reply with a copy of horoscope,caste immaterial. email - lalanigunaratna@gmail.com
Respectable Sinhalese Buddhist mother seeks an academically and professionally qualified son with sober habits,between 52 - 60 years preferably from Australia for her pretty,fair,slim and attractive daughter 54 years (looking much younger),5’2” legally divorced,living in Sydney Australia with cultural values. Differences immaterial. Please reply with family details:. dayanink@outlook.com
Respected parents from Matale are looking for an academically and professionally qualified son for their pretty,slim and academically qualified elder daughter 24,height 5’3” from a family with similar business backgrounds. Will own substantial assets. Horoscopes with Shani Mangala Yoga is preferred. Shani 7th House. Please email family details and a copy of the horoscope to :daughterprop2018@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents looking for academically qualified groom below 40 years for their daughter, born in October 1983, a Canadian citizen working as an engineering project manager in Abu Dhabi. She is 5’5” in height, fair, pretty, socially active love traveling and out door excursions. Kuja in 7th house. Cast, creed and religion is immaterial. Reply to [email protected]
Sinhala Catholic,25 years,dual citizen living in Australia,completed University education. Parents seeking a kind hearted suitable son. Confidentiality assured. Please write to damiproposal@yahoo.com
Sinhala,Buddhist parents seek suitable partner for their daughter Civil Engineer 59 years,5’0” height presently working in private sector. She inherits substantial assets including brand new car. Please reply with full details. Email: maheshpt4@gmail.com
Sinhala,Catholic professional parents,mother is a Doctor,are looking for a Sinhala,Catholic or Christian,Doctor,Engineer or Graduate,tall and handsome,less than 35 yrs. for their daughter Doctor,MBBS postgraduate completed,working in the UK,NHS,born in Nov. 1988,5’4”,fair and pretty. Only younger brother is an Engineer and is working in Dubai. Please reply. e-mail: proposalgsrp@gmail.com
Southern Province Govi Buddhist retired parents seek professional & academically qualified well-mannered partner for their daughter 40,5’3” holding BSc (SL),MBA (UK). She is a Managing Director in a reputed private company in Sri Lanka,earning six figures monthly income and having good savings. She is well-mannered,very pleasant personality & brought-up with Buddhist values. Please reply with horoscope & family details. Email gsdissa49@gmail.com
Well established Govi Catholic business family residing in Battaramulla is looking for a partner for their kind,smart,pretty eldest daughter of a family of three. She is 25,(5’6”) currently reading for her Masters degree in Paris. She has a bachelor degree in Accounting and Finance from a prestigious university. She is a Director of the family business and will inherit a modern house in Pelawatta,substantial amount of cash and another properties. Her two siblings are still studying in Australia and Amsterdam. Looking for a son who is less than 32,educated,tall,outgoing and well natured. Religion and caste is immaterial. All the correspondence will be strictly confidential. marriageproposal176@yahoo.com
Well-connected Govigama Christian parents living in the UK seek a professional partner living in the UK for 31 year old fair slim pretty well-accomplished Dentist daughter. Other castes and Buddhists considered. Reply with full details to: prop1771@gmail.com
We are Govi and Buddhists. Residing in US and are US citizens for long time. Our daughter 33,slim and beautiful,grew up in US. She is very charming,loves to travel,love painting,classical music and reading. She knows the Buddhist values,well mannered. She studied in a private girls’ school in US. Received her undergraduate degree and masters degree in Biostatistics in a well reputed university in US. Now working in a World reputed company as an Analyst. We are well established in US and working as professionals. We would like an educated and established son who is 38 or below. If you are interested. E-mail to; marprops33@gmail.com
We would like to welcome into our family a son age between 40 - 43 academically and professionally qualified who comes from a loving and stable family,non smoker,for our well brought up daughter,a lawyer by profession. She lives and works in Australia. She is born in 1979,slim,fair,smart and attractive and has never been married,an avid reader,enjoys good films and theater as well as music. She likes a kind caring and understanding partner serious about marriage and family. She is also a dual citizen. No divorcees please. Religion and caste immaterial. We,parents are a mixed religion B/C. Please reply to valentine8924@gmail.comHoroscope is available,if interested.
1976,4’9” pretty daughter,employed in Government Sector divorced from brief marraige with no encumbrances G/B parents seeking a well established businessman or qualified partner. Reply with full details: proposalwpt@gmail.com
1983,5’ B/G mother from Galle seeks a suitable partner for her graduated daughter employed as an Accountant. Reply with horoscope and details. Email: propo145@yahoo.com011-2853522.
1984,5’3” BG family seeks an MBBS Doctor or an Engineer son willing to migrate to our daughter Scientist is a Bio Med (Hons) and PhD from a prestigious Australian University. daya2591@gmail.com
1988 September Bodu Govi educated at highly reputed school and inherits valuable assets. Working in a private bank as an Executive fair slim and pretty. Mother seeks educated honest decent son. Send the details with copy of the horoscope. torentomarriage789@gmail.com