The Police Department, National Dangerous Drugs Control Board, National Media Centre and Government Press have been brought under the Ministry of Defence, outlining functions, responsibilities and institutions coming under each Ministry, according to the Gazette Extraordinary issued by the Presidential Secretariat on December 28.
Forty-six institutes including the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation, all State Banks except the Housing Development and Finance Corporation Bank, Security Exchange Commission and all State media institutions have been brought under the Ministry of Finance and Media, making it the Ministry with the highest number of government agencies.
The Department of Census and Statistics, the Department of National Planning, National Youth Services Council and 21 other institutions have been brought under the Ministry of National Policies, Economic Affairs, Resettlement and Rehabilitation, Northern Provision Development, Vocational Training and Skills Development and Youth Affairs, which is under Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
The Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka has been brought under the Ministry of Education.
Non-Cabinet Minister of Science, Technology and Research Sujeewa Senasinghe has been assigned 19 institutes including the Sri Lanka Institute of Nano Technology (Pvt) Ltd, National Science Foundation, Arthur C. Clarke Institute, Sri Lanka Standards Institute and Sri Lanka Inventors Commission.
Non Cabinet Minister of Digital Infrastructure and Information Technology, Ajith P. Perera has been assigned, Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Readiness Team and all Information Technological Parks.
Non-Cabinet Minister of Public Distribution and Economic Reforms has been assigned the Institute of Policy Studies.