St Peter’s night ‘Beyond Imagination’ | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

St Peter’s night ‘Beyond Imagination’

28 October, 2018

A gala event showcasing the musical and thespian talents of primary level students of one of Sri Lanka’s premier boys’ schools St. Peter’s College, got underway at the open air stadium of the school recently. The creative talents of students were unleashed at this event that earned kudos of the large and involved crowds present.

“The innocence and guilelessness of childhood were celebrated. ‘Beyond Imagination 2018’ encapsulated, galvanized and enthralled the audience, and compelled them to recognize the limitless possibilities of childhood imagination. It definitely was a scintillating, exciting and a tantalizing experience transcending the immediate, engaging with the creative intellectual dynamism which is uniquely human. It created the possibility to go beyond human imagination, which in itself is a tangible experience of the transcendent,” said the Rector Principal of St. Peter’s College, Rev.Fr. Trevor Martin, assessing the event that was an amalgam of the students’ talents, and Na Tree’s hospitality.

The audience was treated to a smorgasbord of culinary delights by Na Tree Caterers.
