Symposium on ‘Vaccines’ | Sunday Observer

Symposium on ‘Vaccines’

30 September, 2018
The Vaccine Forum of Sri Lanka will hold its 10th symposium on ‘Vaccines’ at the New Lecture Hall, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, on October 7. 
This half-a-day symposium is  open to all medical professionals, nurses and paramedicals which would provide an opportunity to update themselves on the recent developments on vaccinations.   
Director General, Health Services, Dr. Anil Jasinghe will be the chief guest and Dr.Razia Pendse, WHO Representative to Sri Lanka will be the guest of honour.   
The symposium will consist of two sessions:   
Session 1- Updates on the Rabies “An end to human rabies deaths; Are we on the right tract?” by Dr. Dulmimi Kumarasinghe (Consultant Virologist, Medical Research Institute, Colombo), “Recent advances in Japanese B Encephalitis vaccine” by Dr.Sumit Srivastava, Disease expert for Meningococcal and JE vaccines from Sanofi Pasteur, India: a joint session on “Diagnosis and Management of Anaphylaxis” by Prof. Neelika Malavige, Professor in Microbiology, University of Sri Jayewardenapura and Dr.Danushka Dasanayake, Consultant Immunologist, Teaching Hospital, Kandy.   
Session II include: “Immunization in chronic respiratory diseases” by Dr.Kirthi Gunasekera, Senior Consultant Respiratory Physician , Colombo, “National Immunization Programme in Primary care; Learning from history to a future” by Dr. Prasad Liyanage, Regional Epidemiologist, Kalutara and “ Universal influenza vaccine; Fallacy or reality” by Dr.Jude Jayamaha, Consultant Medical Virologist, National Influenza Centre, Medical Research Institute, Colombo.   
The registration fee is Rs 1,000 and Rs.500 for members, nurses, medical students and pharmacists and registration will commence at 8 am at the venue, and the first session begins at 9am.   
