Rule of Law index: Sri Lanka ranks 2nd in South Asia | Sunday Observer

Rule of Law index: Sri Lanka ranks 2nd in South Asia

26 August, 2018

Sri Lanka ranks 59 in the Rule of Law index among 113 countries of the world and 2nd among the South Asian countries having secured 0.52 marks, according to the Rule of Law Index for 2017/18 released by the World Justice Project. Denmark has secured first place with 0.89 marks and Venezuela 113th with 0.29 marks.

Nepal has won first place in South Asia with 0.53 marks and India has secured third place.

Constraints of government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice and criminal justice have been considered the main criteria for the Rule of Law index.

Washington based World Justice Project launched in 2006 is an independent organisation committed to strengthen Rule of Law worldwide.
