Women of the world, will gather in Sri Lanka soon to discuss issues pertaining to women and ways to improve their future living conditions. The 29th Area Conference, for Central and South Asian Women organizations affiliated to the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) will be held in Colombo from August 20 to 22, 2018. Lanka Mahila Samiti (LMS) will host this year’s conference themed ‘Innovation Leads Women to Empowerment’.
“The objective of the gathering would be to lobby on all pertinent issues concerning women and children,” said Thilaka Perera, President Lanka Mahila Samiti and Area President ACWW for Central and South Asia. About 250 women from the central and south Asian region are expected to participate in the Conference with Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga as Chief Guest. Ruth Shanks, the World President of ACWW would also attend the Conference.
ACWW, established in 1929 is the largest international organization for women with a membership of nine million. About 450 women organisations from over 70 countries are affiliated to the ACWW. Committed to raising the health and living standards of rural women and their families the organisation connects rural and non-rural women together through their member societies and supports advocacy, partnership, knowledge sharing and local projects.
Lanka Mahila Samiti (LMS) is one of the oldest women’s organisations established in Sri Lanka in 1930. A voluntary organisation, LMS is currently involved in the development projects of 15 districts in association with other government and non-government agencies. LMS is one of the implementing agents of the Sri Lanka Diabetes and Cardiovascular Initiative with volunteers in the 15 districts carrying out community awareness programmes. LMS focuses on health, education and economic development in the country. Health awareness programmes, first-aid training, well women clinics, preschool teacher training, English Language training for preschool teachers and agriculture and home gardening training including mushroom growing are some of the development projects carried out by the organisation.