Above 5’4” academically and professionally qualified well employed teetotaller /non-smoker son from Sinhala Bodu family within Colombo /suburbs sought by parents for their well-mannered B.Sc Special,Chartered Accountant,ACA,ACMA (UK),1986,pretty smart Manager daughter in a leading finance company attached to a state bank in Colombo. She drives her own brand new car. Elder brother is a Doctor (Surgeon). Younger sister is Management Graduate. Caste immaterial. Reply with non-malefic horoscope and family details. pmarriage766@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified below 29 years with sober habits partner is sought by G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their 1993 born 5’4” pretty and fair youngest daughter working in multinational company in Colombo as a Manager Executive. She holds a BSc Management Degree and MBA She studied in a leading girls school in Colombo. She inherits valuable assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope. email: wickrama1616@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified kind partner with an unblemished character is sought by retired parents (Buddhist G/S) from Colombo suburbs for their daughter (29 years 5’1”) who is employed as a visiting lecturer at a state university (B.A/M.A) She is pleasant with an unblemished character and owns substantial assets. Please reply with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Non malefic horoscope are specially considered. E-mail: [email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner above 5’8” is sought by parents. Bodu Govi/Durawea from Colombo for their 27 years,tall pretty well mannered daughter brought up with traditional values. Educated at leading girls’ school. Higher education graduated with UK Universities. Employed in Bank. Inherits substantial assets and properties in Colombo. Kindly reply with horoscope and family details to mpygkk2018@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner from a respectable Catholic /Christian family is sought by Sinhala,Catholic parents from Colombo /Melbourne. Our only daughter is 29 years old and is working as an Assistant Buyer in one of the leading clothing retail stores in Melbourne. She was educated in a leading school in Colombo and graduated from a University in England with a degree in Business Management. She is pretty and well accomplished with considerable assets. Our only son is studying in Melbourne. Please reply with family details. Email bskpdng987@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner sought by Govigama B/C parents for only child. Attractive accomplished born 1980. Educated mostly abroad,graduated and post-graduated from Highly prestigious university abroad. CIMA operational level. Licentiate pianoforte was employed in Sri Lanka and abroad. Presently employed abroad. Will inherit substantial assets. Please reply giving family details and contact numbers. Email: tity@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well employed NS/TT caring son preferably residing in Australia is sought by Sinhala Buddhist professional parents Colombo suburbs for their only daughter 1986 September 5’0” pretty slim fair B.Com (Hon) PhD Business Management (Australia) well employed University Lecturer in Sydney. PR Holder. Reply with family details and H/C. yojanam2015@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified ,kind and caring suitable partner is sought by GB highly respected professional parents from a Kandy suburb for their daughter 32yrs, 5’2” fair, attractive, well brought up with Buddhist values; possesses an excellent character, old girl of a renowned girls school, BSc computer science, Phd (University of Melbourne). Currently working at the same University, Reply with horoscope. Email: [email protected] Telephone 0812579404
Academically professionally qualified handsome partner TT/NS sought by respectable G/D Buddhist parents Colombo for their daughter 33,5’4” fair,slim,pretty IT Engineer working Australia with PR inherits assets,Kuja Shani 12 Rahu 7. Reply family details with horoscope. email: sahas2017@hotmail.com
Academically professionally qualified well mannered loving son with sober habits from respectable family is sought by B/G/K teacher parents for their only daughter Australian qualified BSc,MSc employed and PR holder in Australia. She is fair,pretty,born 1984,5’6’’ with good character studied leading school in Colombo. We are looking for a partner who is settled or willing to settle in Australia. Please reply with family details horoscope and phone number. Phone: 0112 790014. E-mail: prop2016mona@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified,fair,handsome,kind,well-mannered below 38 y son is sought by G/B mother for 1986,5’2”,graduated,no encumbrances or children very pretty divorced daughter working in Government Sector. sldreamlovefinder@gmail.com
Academically /professionally qualified handsome son from a respectable family is sought by G/B affluent parents from colombo suburbs for their pretty slim academically & professionally qualified daughter 28 yrs. of age,5’3” height,holding a Senior Position in a leading MNC. Please email family details,horoscope with contact details to: mprop4du@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified partner is sought for accomplished daughter September 1989,5’3” Buddhist BSc Electronics MSc reading for PhD. Reply with family details and copy of horoscope. daughterprops@gmail.com
Academically /professionally qualified well mannered loving son with sober habits from a respectable family is sought by B/G professional,wealthy parents for their daughter UK qualified Doctor,MBBS & MRCP working in England. She is fair,very pretty,slim,31 years,5’9’’ with an excellent character. She studied at a leading school in Colombo and inherits substantial assets including fixed deposits. Please reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: ven27@live.com
Academically /professionally qualified,teetotaller,around 28 yrs. from respectable family is sought by B/G parents residing Colombo suburbs for their pretty,fair,25 yrs. 5’ daughter studied in leading girls’ school Colombo and well brought up in a Sinhala Buddhist surrounding. She is holding a BSc degree in computing,working in computing field presently. Please reply with family details,a copy of horoscope (Kataka lagna Shani 7) and contact to kkbdkbs@gmail.com
Academically,professionally qualified kind son below 29 and less than 6’ in height with sober habits living in UK is sought by Buddhist parents for their slim,pleasant,well brought up with religious values,aged 24 years,5’2’’,BSc,MSc qualified daughter employed in a global company in UK. Reply with family details. E-mail only to; neetha091@live.com.uk
Academically,professionally qualified suitable partner is sought by retired B/G parents in Colombo suburb for their daughter,born July 1984,height 5’3’’,studied in leading girls school,obtained honours degree from Colombo university & MA from foreign university. Currently employed as Asst. Director of a leading Ministry,owns a newly built house in Colombo suburb. Please reply to; dmbjaya@gmail.com
Affluent G/B respectable parents seek a well-employed partner for Bank Executive daughter BSc./MSc. graduated from UK was born in 1984 April height 5’5”,fair,slim,pretty. ps25484@gmail.com
Affluent parents seek for R/C 45,5’6” dual citizen well established. Pls. reply with all details in age 45-54. swedas89@gmail.com
A mixed parents,mother Sinhala and father Muslim from suburb of Colombo seek an academically and professionally qualified partner for their daughter,graduated in Finance & Accountancy from recognized Australian university,dual citizen of Australia/Sri Lanka,well mannered and permanently employed as a Management Accountant in Australia. She is born in October 1989. Prefer a partner currently living in Australia or willing to migrate to Australia. Please reply with full details to; hkumuduni@yahoo.com
A well employed and qualified G/B son from a respectable family sought by Kandyan Govi Buddhist respectable parents for pretty,slim,moderately fair,accomplished daughter 5’5’’ born 82 November. Masters degree holder highly fluent in English. Working in reputed International organization Colombo. Substantial assets. proposal864@yahoo.com
A well established GB parents in Australia seek professionally qualified partner for their pretty well brought up Graduate daughter 37 years,5’7” tall never married working in Australia,applicants who respond to last week advertisement please contact this email due to technical error. ausmelbproposal@gmail.com
A well-employed partner with sober habits is sought for a graduate English teacher,residing in Colombo. Catholic Tamil born in 1976,good looking,5’5” in height. Never married. Possesses sufficient assets. anthony197661@yahoo.com
Basic education from Sirimavo Bandaranayaka College,graduated MSc and MBA from Monash University Australia,having dual citizenship,born 1988,Buddhist,Govi,5’5’’,daughter of business family,seek educated businessman or an educated partner. She owns vehicle,house,assets. 011 4884261. swarnapala61@gmail.com
BG professional parents with two children,seek a suitable partner for their daughter born 1990 October,5’2’’,reading for PhD in Computer Science,Australia. Only brother at graduate level in financial field in Colombo. Please reply with horoscope & details to: mprop1958@gmail.com
Bodu Govi/Durawa parents seek educated partner for BA Special First Class,25 years,5’3”,pretty,slim,employed daughter. Inherits substantial assets. marriagep18@hotmail.com
Buddhist Govi mixed parents seek partner for 30 years,5’3”,fair,pretty,MBBS unemployed daughter. Inherits substantial assets. mproposal2017@hotmail.com
Buddhist Govi professional parents from Colombo seek a smart,sober professional partner suitable for their fair slim pretty younger daughter born November 1986,5’6+”,brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. She was educated at a leading Girls’ School in Colombo,qualified with BSc (Honours - Colombo) and recently with Ph.D in Chemistry from a USA University. Presently she is engaged in research at another USA University. She is qualified with ACMA (UK). She inherits substantial assets. She is willing to settle down in Sri Lanka or in a suitable country with marriage. Please reply with family details,horoscope and contact numbers. hpse24@gmail.com
Buddhist parents residing in Canada seek an academically and professionally qualified son,living in Canada or willing to migrate preferably form USA,Australia or UK,for their daughter born February,1988,5’4”,pretty,fair,graduated from a University and well employed. Please reply with family details and horoscope. canonpro1988@gmail.com
B/G Respectable family elder daughter 1990 May 5’4” attached to Mahamevnawa Monastery to learn Dhamma, slim, pleasant, kind religious BSc Civil Engineer seeks a religious, Kind NS/TT professionally well qualified brother who like to settle in Colombo suburbs. Please reply with family details. [email protected]
B/G respectable parents of Gampaha District seek an educated professional son for 1988 born BSc,qualified well brought up pretty Science teacher to settle in Sri Lanka or to migrate. Reply with family details and horoscope to: ram.gm5.proposals@gmail.com
B/G/D parents from Kaduwela seek an academically and professionally qualified son with sober habits for their daughter 30 yrs.,(87/Nov.),pretty,smart,fair,in complexion,5’6”,completed HR Degree. She is divorced from unsuccessful short marriage. Reply with family details & horoscope (non-malefic). E-Mail: prop87cj@gmail.com
B/K parents from Panadura seek professionally academically qualified pleasant son for daughter born 1987 April 5’4” graduate employed drawing six figure salary and other benefits respects family values own newly built house in Panadura to reside after marriage with other inherited assets. Only brother is also employed preferred with Kuja in 1,2,4,7,12 houses. Reply with horoscope family details and contact telephone number. Email: akhfdo@gmail.com
CANADA, Toronto or close proximity only, Affluent professionally qualified parents with all children professionally qualified and living abroad, Seek an established smart son interested in a relationship leading to marriage, for their well accomplished lively daughter, very pretty, very fair, slim, Sri Lankan born in year 1981, Convent and International School educated, professionally qualified well employed in Toronto, with substantial Assets. Cast and religion immaterial. Please reply to - e mail [email protected]
Canada Sri Lanka dual citizen parents seek professionally qualified partner for their daughter,Canadian citizen nursing administrator in Canada,27,5’2”,slim fair. Canadian citizens preferred. dadallage@hotmail.com
Chrisitian Sinhala parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter. She is 35 years,5’1”,slim pleasant and attractive. She has an MBA and is well-employed in the IT Sector. Please reply to: 83colombo@gmail.comTelephone 011-2716729.
Colombo Buddhist parents seek an educated pleasant stable partner 33-38 y.,5’6” above for their daughter 32 y.,employed as a Bank Manager. M.B.A. Holder. Local overseas both acceptable. Willing to migrate if necessary. Horoscope email : prop.new66@outlook.com
Colombo Buddhist parents seek an established professional partner to settle down in Sri Lanka for only daughter never married born in 1977. Owns substantial assets graduated from a foreign University,was employed with a bank,prior to graduation. Only brother is an Engineer in U.S.A. property3118@gmail.com
Colombo B/G parents seek a kind hearted son without encumbrances within the age group of 44 - 47 from a respectable family for their fair slim pretty daughter 5’5” studied and brought up in Sri Lanka and abroad mostly in England. Qualified as a Hairdresser in UK. Possess British driving licence. Born with a hearing impediment corrected with a cochlear implant. Caste religion immaterial.
Colombo B/G 1982 height 5’7” slim attractive looking daughter well qualified academically with double Degrees (Management) and MBA working as a Manager in reputed Company. Retired parents seek an educated son. Email : eproposal2018@gmail.com
Colombo District G/B mother seeks for fair pretty,only daughter,35 years,5’3” tall,graduate in Business Management,divorced by mutual agreement,currently employed in leading company in Sri Lanka,after 5 years of foreign employment,an educated,well employed partner,preferably divorced from similar respectable background,owns considerable assets. Reply with all details & H/C copy to scgproposal82@gmail.comor 011-2605232 (Call after 7.00 p.m.).
Colombo father S/B seeks academically professionally qualified,smart caring son for his professionally qualified pretty fair slim daughter 5’5” 28 yrs CIMA (Final Year),works in a leading Bank,studied at a leading school in Colombo,inherits assets including a car. Only brother an Accountant. mnsdv678@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs B/G respectable mother seeks academically,professionally qualified well-mannered caring son below 41 for her fair pleasant attractive daughter 81 July (looks much younger) 5’1’’,IT graduated (SLIIT) Master degree holder and works as Lead IT Engineer in a reputed bank in Colombo (Kuja 12). Please reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail: improposal@yahoo.com
Engineering pretty,kind daughter born 1991 Austrlian citizen. Seeking decent,educated kind,honest partner for marriage. nimmiranaweera@yahoo.com
Expatriate SB parents seek a groom well established in his chosen career for only daughter educated and brought up overseas. Our daughter is fair with pleasant features. We prefer a groom who is between 35 and 40 years of age and is a citizen or permanent resident of Australia. Please forward full family details and copy of horoscope to ausparents83@gmail.com
GB respectable parents seek professionally qualified suitable partner for their pretty,slim,34,graduate employed daughter,currently reading for MBA. Divorced from brief marriage. No kids owns a car & inherits a house,willing to migrate. Kuja Shani 8th House,write with horoscope email: senevi.va@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist retired parents seek partner for their pretty fair daughter 1980,5’4” Honours Graduate working and having PR in England. Owns new house worth 15 million in Colombo suburbs. proposal1258@gmail.com
G/B parents seek academically and professionally qualified partner preferably living in the USA for their 28 years old daughter,5’2”,she completed her Bachelor’s Degree in the USA. Her Master Degree in London and a second Master’s Degree in the USA at an Ivy League University,currently working at a prestigious consulting company. She is kind,caring and intelligent looking for a son who is very well-educated and kind-hearted. Please reply with family details and son’s horoscope to proposalduwa27@gmail.com
Kandy BG retired father seeks educated partner for their daughter 1983, slim, fair, pretty 5’9” BSc, MSc teacher in Australia. Reply in English/ Sinhala. [email protected] 0813840370
Looking for a professionally qualified partner for preetty,petite daughter US citizen,in her late 20’s living and working in the UK for well-known investment bank. Compatible bridegroom is likely to be an individual with professional qualifications that would be conducive to secure employment in the UK (such as a Medical Degree) or someone already in the UK with a similar background. gsd1067@yahoo.co.uk
Moratuwa B/G parents looking for an educated son studied and settled abroad for their graduated daughter 5ft,30 yrs. dual citizen working in Melbourne. Engaged & divorced within short period due to unavoidable circumstances. Reply with family & horoscope details. 2018propsl@gmail.com
New Zealand,Double Degree BSc,Genetic Engineering and Microbiology currently working in Massey University 82 June five feet three inches height pleasant daughter beautiful Sinhala Buddhist father Jaffna high class Tamil Hindu Vellalar retired from high-post in Government Service. Mother Sinhala Buddhist Govi from a respectable family worked in a Bank,only elder brother Doctor married to a Consultant ,both are working in Government Hospitals looking for a suitable partner. Contact: Email: draruna22669@yahoo.com066-2222668.
Parents seek suitable partner for professional daughter 39 yrs,Sl /UK dual citizen PR in Australia in Melbourne. Divorced after a brief marriage,no children. ausproposal1979@gmail.com
Professionally qualified kind-hearted religious Sinhala Buddhist partner is sought by mother for younger daughter permanent resident employed as Financial Accountant (CPA - Australia,BSc,MBA Chartered Accountant) in a Government Organization at Perth. Born February 1980,5’7”. She owns valuable assets in Australia and in Sri Lanka. xt.matrix@gmail.com
Respectable G/B professional business parents seek an academically /professionally qualified or established businessman son from similar background for their 32,5’8” pretty accomplished kind-hearted daughter. Educated at an Elite International School in Colombo. She is UK qualified Graduate with professional qualifications. Currently she is working as Directress in our family owned Companies & pursuing her profession. Inherits substantial assets including modern house in Colombo and well off financially. Siblings are all UK qualified Graduates. Kuja 12,Shani 6. She is separated from a brief incompatible arranged marriage as plaintiff. If interested please reply with family details & horoscope to proposal222@hotmail.com
Respectable parents from Matale is looking for an academically and professionally qualified son for their pretty,slim and academically qualified elder daughter 24,height 5’3” from a family with similar business backgrounds. Will owns substantial assets. Horoscopes with Shani Mangala Yoga is preferred,Shani 7th house. Please email family details with a copy of the horoscope to daughterprop2018@gmail.com
Sri Lankan Muslim,height 5’4”,age 29,permanently employed at Government Department,passed G C E (O/L) Examination form a Kandy Girls’ High School,owning dowry,only daughter,doctor farther seeks young handsome Muslim partner age 30-33 and employed at state or corporation sector. Enquire - 067-2260353.
Well connected Govigama,Catholic parents living in UK seek professionally qualified son for 26 years old 5’4” tall,slim,pretty doctor daughter working in UK caste /religion immaterial. prop1771@gmail.com
Western B/G parents in Kiribathgoda,proposed daughter born in 1989 July,fair,5’7” studied in a leading Girls’ school in Colombo 7. She has obtained two degrees in Business Administration and Marketing reading for her MBA at Sri Jayawardanapura University,while working in a private company as a Senior Executive. She has a house in Colombo. A suitable handsome educated intelligent employed son is searched. If satisfied please email details along with horoscope. prpsenanayake@hotmail.comTel. 2918163.
Western B/G Rtd State Bank Manager seeks a professionally and academically qualified son for daughter slim pretty fair Graduate Teacher 1980,5’2”. Inherits assets. Email: proposal8084@gmail.com
Western Province Sinhala Govi Catholic /Buddhist parents seek an academically and professionally qualified son for their daughter Roman Catholic 27 years,5’3” in height,graduated from a state university,holds a Master’s Degree. Currently employed as a Lecturer in a reputed academic institution in Colombo. Please reply with family details and contact number to Email : wijaprop7@gmail.com
1993 March born,5 ft. in height,slim,tan in complexion. Studied at a leading school in Colombo. Holds a Degree in Accounting & Finance and has completed CIMA. Presently works in a Multinational IT Company as a Business Systems Analyst. We are S/G/B residing in Nugegoda. Father retired Company Director. Parents seek qualified and employed son. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email preferable. rukan2121@yahoo.com