Run for para athletes raises Rs.400,000 | Sunday Observer

Run for para athletes raises Rs.400,000

12 August, 2018

Colombo City Running (CCR) recently completed a 10km charity run at the Colombo Port that raised Rs. 400,000 for the Army Para Athletic Association, an organising official said.

Held on July 29, the CCR charity run, in aid of the Army Para Athletic Association, was sold out well in advance, bringing together nearly 400 runners to run 5km and 10km distances inside the port.

A community-based recreational running group, CCR aims to promote a healthy lifestyle through running, while also helping to build a communal spirit and connection through running-related activities.

Dr. Amila de Alwis, an organiser from the Colombo City Running Group said: “Many runners who took part remarked to me that the event was very well organized. Registration at the beginning of the race was fast, and so was the handing out of T-shirts and bibs at the end. At every step, we made sure the runners stayed safe, well directed, well hydrated and overall, enjoyed their experience”.
