USAID has launched a partnership with community organisations and the Government to support reconciliation in Sri Lanka.
On June 29, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded approximately 1.6 billion Sri Lankan rupees ($10,000,000) in grant assistance to Global Communities to engage local communities in reconciliation activities.
The three-year initiative will partner with the Government of Sri Lanka and local civil society to address underlying challenges to reconciliation. The project will promote a shared and inclusive Sri Lankan identity, reduce socio-economic disparities, and strengthen resilience among multi-ethnic and multi-religious communities.
“USAID is proud to partner with the Sri Lankan people and government in their efforts to build a society that works together for the greater good and prosperity of the country,” said USAID Mission Director to Sri Lanka and Maldives, Reed Aeschliman.
Activities will expand citizen-driven initiatives and networks among local communities and support those affected by the war. They will also strengthen local governments and community-based organisations that provide critical services to the most needy and increase access to psycho social services. Additionally, the project will increase opportunities for youth and women to exercise leadership in promoting responsible citizenship and reconciliation.
USAID has provided development and humanitarian support to the Government and the people of Sri Lanka for more than 60 years.