A new initiative to manage and conserve dugongs, now on the verge of extinction in Sri Lankan waters, will be discussed by Marine Biologist, Fishery Scientist and Director of Pelagikos (Pvt) Limited, Dr. Steve Creech at the Lotus Hall of the BMICH on June 21 at 6 p.m.
According to the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS) of Sri Lanka, Pelagikos conducted research on the activities of the fishermen of Mannar and Palk Bay, with the results providing an insight into threats posed to dugongs by small crab fisheries in the North Western coast of Sri Lanka and how accidental deaths of dugongs due to fisheries can be reduced in the future. Pelagikos conducted this research following the concerns raised by the Monterey Bay Aquarium on risks posed to dugongs due to Blue Swimming Crab harvesting in Mannar and Palk bay. The local dugong populations once recorded few hundred members in the North Western shores of the island.
Now, rare sightings by fishermen and dead animals are the only evidence of its existence. Dugongs also remain the only surviving member of the family Dugongidae.
Pelagikos (Pvt) Limited has been working with local fishermen, fish workers, boat owners, agents, seafood manufacturers and Government authorities, to promote sustainable, socially responsible and economically equitable seafood in the country.
Ecological impact on non target species, especially those who which endangered, threatened or protected is an important criterion in rating or certification programmes for sustainably sourced seafood. (DA)