Facebook for youth and entrepreneurs | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Facebook for youth and entrepreneurs

20 May, 2018
Dr. Rohan Samarajiva - Chairman, ICTA and Ankhi Das - Public Policy Director - India, South & Central Asia, ‎Facebook enter partnership to empower youth and entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka
Dr. Rohan Samarajiva - Chairman, ICTA and Ankhi Das - Public Policy Director - India, South & Central Asia, ‎Facebook enter partnership to empower youth and entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka

Facebook’s global ‘Boost Your Business’ program is now available for the youth and entrepreneurs of Sri Lanka. Recognizing the potential of the country’s small business owners, Facebook has partnered with the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka to train 10,000 small business owners across the country by the close of 2018. In the first phase, the program will cover Colombo, Galle, Kandy and Jaffna.

The inaugural ‘Boost Your Business’ workshop, was organized in Colombo on May 16, to orient, teach and train entrepreneurs’ on the effective use of Facebook to grow and monetize their businesses online.

Commenting on the partnership, Dr. Rohan Samarajiva, Chairman, ICTA said, “Our goal is to create a digitally inclusive country with a strong and vibrant economy. With Facebook’s reach and support, we will be taking a step forward in leveraging the potential of ICTs for the economic betterment of the country”.

Elaborating on the program, Ankhi Das, Public Policy Director - India, South & Central Asia - ‎Facebook said, “In a growing economy like Sri Lanka, small and medium businesses are imperative for boosting employment and economic growth. With this program we will empower local businesses by providing training and resources to build up a digital presence and grow their businesses beyond what the traditional offline economies offer. We believe we can be a Net Contributor to the economy of Sri Lanka.”

‘Boost Your Business’ will complement the SMART Social Circles initiative by the ICTA to promote digital literacy and foster ethical and responsible use of social media.

Facebook will also work with ICTA to develop a strategic roadmap for a collaborative information sharing platform for citizens under the SMART Social Circle initiative.

Persons coordinating SMART Social Circles at district level will also be trained on the use of Facebook tools to share community updates.

As more and more people turn to the web and to their phones to discover and connect with businesses, it is crucial that small businesses have an online presence.

One reason small businesses succeed, or fail, is their ability to attract customers. But, with limited time and limited resources, this is expensive and hard for small businesses to do.
