The international conference on the Right to Information, themed ‘Empowering Citizens with RTI – the first year’, will be held in Colombo from May 8 to 9, organised by the Sri Lanka Press Institute, and the Royal Norwegian Embassy.
The two-day conference, which will be held at the Institute of Policy Studies, Independence Avenue, Colombo 7, will cover a series of thematic sessions on risk and safety of information seekers, privacy data protection, role of civil society and media, future of RTI law and technicalities in information disclosure. RTI experts from Norway, India, Mexico, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Myanmar with Sri Lankan experts from the RTI Commission are scheduled to participate
good governance promoters and leading journalists are scheduled to speak at the thematic sessions.
Right to Information (RTI) Act was implemented in Sri Lanka on 03 February, 2017 and the Bill was passed by the Cabinet in August, 2016.