Artillery Regiment and 6th Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps, won the overall Championships at the Sri Lanka Army organized Road Race - 2018 which was held last Sunday in Hikkaduwa with the participation of over 140 long distance runners representing 22 Regiments.
The runners started off from Hikkaduwa ran through Baddegama to cover a distance of 22 kilo meters and returned to the same venue to finish the race. Organized by the Sri Lanka
Army Athletic Committee, the event, inclusive of female long distance runners of the Army were also seen in action. A large gathering of military personnel, including women soldiers representing all Regiments of the Sri Lanka Army were in attendance.
Chairman Sri Lanka Army Athletic Committee, Major General Sudath Perera was the Chief Guest on the occasion. The Army Road Race - 2018 held according to the international standards and was judged by a panel of qualified national and international judges.
1. Gunner K Shammugeshwaran - Sri Lanka Artillery
2. Lance Corporal Y.P.M Gunathilake - Sri Lanka Army Service Corps
3. Bombardier B.U Vijithakumara- Sri Lanka Artillery
1.Recruit A.L.S.D. Liyanage - 4 Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps
2. Private P.M.S. Sewwandi - 6th Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps
3. Private A.S.N. Bandara – 6th Sri Lanka Army Women’s Corps
Overall Champions
(Men): Sri Lanka Artillery
Overall Champions
(Women): 6th Sri Lanka Army
Women’s Corps