Ramsar Convention from tomorrow | Sunday Observer

Ramsar Convention from tomorrow

25 February, 2018

Pre-COP13 Asia Regional Meeting of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is to be held in Chilaw for five days, commencing tomorrow (26), the Deputy Director of Department Wildlife Conservation, Manjula Amararathna said.

“The event is held in preparation of 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, which will be held in Dubai from October 21 to 29,” he said. The aim of the meeting is for the Ramsar Secretariat to update the Asian contracting parties on activities of the Secretariat and bodies of the Convention since COP12 in 2015, to explain the background to the key Draft Resolutions that will be presented to COP13 and to allow contracting parties to exchange their experiences.
