Cultivation of traditional varieties of paddy are to be revived in Sri Lanka, and the farmer community would be encouraged to grow more traditional high quality strains of paddy, Agriculture Officials said.
These include, marvie, samba, suwadel, rathdel, danahala, H4, gambada marvie and several others, they said.
According to Agriculture Ministry sources over 3,000 acres of uncultivated land in the island have already been brought under cultivation.
The exception is, that neither chemical fertilizer nor pesticide are utilized in these cultivation activities.
Paddy farmers are being made aware of the significance of using organic manure and compost rather than chemical fertilizer.
They are also capable of resisting pests, insects and floods, the officials explained.
Necessary instructions, know-how and other facilities would be provided to the farmers by the Agriculture Ministry.
It is targeted to bring about 100,000 acres of land under traditional varieties of paddy cultivation soon, agriculture authorities said.
The enhancement of high quality rice production would be the main aim of these endeavours, the officials added.