About 5’8” Buddhist Govi/Vishwa 24 kind hearted fair handsome non-smoker teetotaller IT-Net Engineer in Australia. Inherits assets worth millions. Only child brought-up with Buddhist Sinhalese values, professional parents seek pretty, slim partner in Australia. 0382296296. ausiprop317@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified pretty fair slim daughter from a decent family is sought by B/G business parents living in Colombo for their youngest son 5’11” 28 yrs, NS/TT studied at a leading school in Colombo received Bachelor’s Masters’s Degrees from prestigious universities overseas, well employed with an attractive salary and enjoys other incomes too. Owns modern house in Colombo and a luxury vehicle. Brother Masters’s graduate married to a Doctor, lives separately in Colombo. Please reply with horoscope with family details. rproposal1989@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified pretty well mannered daughter below 26 yrs living in Australia or willing to migrate is sought by professionally qualified GB parents for their only son. He is a Software Engineer in Australia and PR holder. He was born in 1990 October and 5’5” height, handsome N/S & T/T. He studied in leading Buddhist school in Colombo and obtained Masters degree in IT from leading university in Melbourne. His only sister is studying for Civil engineering degree in Melbourne. Family owns a well established reputed business in Colombo with many valuable assets. Please reply with details and a copy of horoscope. Email: proposalmm1990@gmail.com
Academically or professionally qualified pleasant bride living in Canada or willing to migrate is sought by Sinhala Buddhist elder brother for his youngest brother 36 yr, 5’6”, handsome, teetotaller, employed in Canada. Please reply with full family details. marriagembma18@hotmail.com
Academically qualified kind-hearted and pretty, fair, slim daughter is sought by Sinhalise BG parents residing in Canada, for our only son graduated from a Canadian University, born September 1985, 5’7”. He is kind-hearted, well mannered, sober and a NS/TT who’s been brought up with SL Buddhist values. Gainfully employed in the field of Accounting in the Managerial category and is also pursing his MBA. Has good income and inherits substantial assets. Rahu in 7th house. Please email details and horoscope to [email protected]
Academically qualified very pretty daughter is sought by Kandyan Govi/Buddhist Doctor mother for her youngest son educated at Trinity College Kandy BSc Computer Engineer (state university graduate) 28+ 5’8” handsome non-smoker teetotaller employed as Software Engineer in a senior position. BSc Engineer/Science graduate/Doctor preferred. Only brother an Accountant married to a Doctor residing in Australia. Please respond with family details and horoscope. Email: proposals954@gmail.com
Academically qualified well mannered daughter sought by retired Bank A.G.M.for their second son. He is teetotaller,non-smoker, B.Sc, CIMA, CFA, CPA, qualified Audit Officer, currently working in Sydney, Australia with PR. He is 5’09”, 33 years old. Substantial assets are inherited and inclusive of a house. His two brothers Australian citizens working as Software Engineers there. We are Viswakula.Caste immaterial. Reply with family details horoscope & T. Numbers. 1984propbw@gmail.com 0114935705.
Academically qualified, fair, pretty, slim daughter from respectable family (religion / Caste immaterial) sought by Bodu Govi Buddhist parents residing in Maharagama for their academically, professionally qualified, handsome, non-smoking son age 34 height 5’8” working in reputed firm as Assistant Project Manager. (He is willing to migrate and overseas proposals are also welcome). Reply with full details of the daughter, family, horoscope. Email : weddingx35@gmail.com
Academically (MBA / BSc.) Australian citizen, NS/TT, professionally Head Chef in Australia, 5’4”, aged 38, Govi, Sinhala Catholic mother seeks a pleasant, slim, well mannered and accomplished professional daughter for her kind and caring only son. [alahakoan@hotmail.com]
Affluent B/G professional father seeks a fair, beautiful and decent daughter with religious values for his handsome son 27 years, 5’9”, N/S, T/T, studied in Trinity College and United Kingdom . He follows Master’s Degree in HR in University of Colombo at present and inherits valuable assets generating steady monthly income. Kuja 7th House. proposalak@hotmail.com
Affluent Govi Buddhist parents of Lawyer son, 46 years of age, height 65 inches, seek suitable partner from a respectable family. Please reply with family details and horoscope. sumba365@gmail.com
Affluent professional family with G/B aristocratic background, seeks an extremely beautiful and professionally qualified daughter with similar family status for their eldest son, MBBS Doctor, 28 yrs, old, NS/TT, very smart and inherited invaluably. Reply with your family details and horoscope to: sarathrassociates@gmail.com
A fair pretty age below 30 yrs. daughter from a decent family is sought by B/S parents for their NS/TT smart, son, holds B.Sc (Hons), degree from University of Moratuwa, working in an executive position in a well reputed company, drawing attractive salary over Rs. 400,000/= and owns wealthy assets, born 1984, height 5’4”. Only brother is a doctor. mprop84@yahoo.com
A suitably educated partner with means, below 23 years, from a B/G, respectable caring family is sought by professional father for handsome son 27 years, 5’11”, Bachelors from a leading Australian university, up to AL at Royal Colombo, employed as engineer in Australia, inherits house and other property in Colombo suburbs. Please reply with family details and horoscope. sat82017@gmail.com
Bodu Govi mother seeks a pretty, slim and educated partner for handsome and well-mannered only son age 29, height 5’7”, Electrical Engineer working in the Government Sector in Canada. He is a Canadian citizen currently pursuing Master’s Degree, owns houses in Canada and Sri Lanka. Girl should be willing to settle in Canada. Reply with family details and horoscope. isuru.suba@gmail.com
Bodu/Govi well established upcountry parents living in Colombo suburb seek an academically and professionally qualified slim, pretty, fair daughter from a G/B family brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values for their September 1989 born, 5’9”, NS/TT, well-mannered smart graduate Senior Software Engineer son with an excellent character, means and a non-malefic horoscope. Please write with complete family details and a copy of a non-malefic horoscope. E-mail: marrprop28@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi respectable family from USA looking for pretty, educated girl from a respectable family with excellent moral character who is willing to migrate for their smart and kindhearted son born in October 1993. Brought up and educated in USA with Sri Lankan Buddhist values, he is an Aeronautical Engineer working for an industry giant. Medical / Engineering students grew up in USA / Canada / Australia preferred. Not for an immediate marriage. Please reply with full details to father. nalinsra@gmail.com
Buddhist parents seek partner for son born 1985 height 5’5” he has completed Masters in U.S.A. well employed in U.S.A. with working visa. Email : sabey1947@gmail.com
B/G parents living in Colombo suburb looking for an academically and professionally qualified well mannered charming fair daughter for their son BSc Engineer graduated from Moratuwa University. 30 yrs 5’6” pleasant looking and currently employed at government organization. Reply with horoscope & family details. Email: propgam2017@gmail.com
B/G well known respectable parents with substantial means seek a very pretty very slim educated well accomplished 5’2” to 5’6” tall daughter between 26 years and 30 years from a respectable family for their son 35 years of age 5’9” tall handsome well-mannered Chartered Engineer. He possesses a double degree and Master’s degree in Engineering. He is presently a senior Director in one of the most prestigious Sri Lankan companies. We would appreciate very much if you would kindly furnish the details of your family and the proposed daughter including her horoscope details which will be treated as strictly confidential. Please also furnish your contact deails including the telephone number. Email: enlight1213@gmail.com
B/G/K affluent, groom respectable parents from Colombo, seek a pretty slim, well accomplished caring partner below 25 years to be proposed from a highly respectable well-established or business family for only son age 27 years, height 5’7”, Doctor (MBCHB) graduated from a prestigious university in the (UK). He’s well-mannered, non-smoker, teetotaller, presently works as a Senior House Officer for N.H.S. (UK) with Part I M.R.C.P. He inherits valuable assets. Please reply with all family details & copy of horoscope. E-mail : formula444@hotmail.com
Catholic working in the banking sector in a managerial position fully qualified in banking and having an MBA age 54 height 5’8” not married before seeks suitable partner Tamil educated in Sinhala medium in Colombo private Catholic College Race immaterial. Email: nimeshp5@yahoo.com
Colombo Bodu Govi age 49 height 5’11” very handsome and good looking worked in foreign countries for about 12 years and legally separated from first marriage educated leading school in Colombo earns about 10 lakhs monthly from own businesses. I am company Director (M/D) Asst. Civil Engineer the two children of previous marriage are living with their mother, no encumbrances invite beautiful lady for immediate marriage. Downy not needed. Differences are not considered, divorcees widows with children also considered. Self replies expected. Tel. 0117907113. Email: propo432@gmail.com
Colombo based wealthy G/B parents with substantial assets seek for their only son, university educated with sober habits, partner in Export Oriented family business, 34 years, 5’7” in height, handsome a well brought up educated pretty bride from a similar background Email Address: [email protected]
Educated and pleasant daughter is sought by G/B parents for their son, 44 yrs, 6ft, non-smoker, teetotaller, vegetarian, Assistant Professor in USA legally separated after brief incompatible marriage. Reply with family details, contact number and horoscope are invited to bouldercreek321@gmail.com
Educated, fair, over 5’4” daughter in USA or, willing to migrate to US, sought by B/K parents live in USA for son born 1980, 5’ 10 1/2” in height, fair, handsome graduated from prestigious universities (BS, MS) and work in US. Only sister is Medical Specialist in US. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Sitha Naketha, Makara Lagna, Please email to edvikaraj@yahoo.com
Educated, pretty, tall (5’6” above) bride is sought for well established smart son - Accountant/Law Student living in Australia, 27 years, 6’4”, Buddhist/Govi, Kandyan professional family (Shani/Rahu 7). She should be willing to reside in Australia. Call 0112560787 or reply with horoscope to sujathwee@yahoo.co.in
Govi Bodu very respectable family eldest sister seeks an educated well mannered pretty bride for youngest brother. Working for a reputed company, by profession an Engineer, holding a senior management position. 5’3” in height, 45 years, Divorcees are also welcome. Respond with horoscope and family details. sgalgamuwa18@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist parents living in U.S.A. seek an educated bride for their 33 years old, 6’ son, religious non-smoker, teetotaller, dual citizen, Computer Science Graduate, working in State Computer Engineering Department. Substantial assets in both countries. Please reply with family details and horoscope. proposalm2018@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist parents living in USA, seek an eduacted bride for their 33 years old, 6’ son religious non-smoker teetotaller dual citizen computer science graduate working in state computer engineering department. Substantial assets in both countries. Please reply with family details and horoscope. cniro777@gmail.com
Govi/Christian parents European citizens seek an educated kind daughter below 28yrs. ( living in UK or Europe only ) for their son who is working for an internationally reputed company in UK in an executive capacity. Please reply to Email bigbenuk88@gmail.com
G/B parents in Toronto Canada are looking for educated girl with matching horoscope for our 5ft 7 Inch 30 year old son who is Mechanical Engineering graduate. Vrushaba Lagna, Budha, Ravi, Shani on 7th House. Please reply to: sadeni2017@gmail.com
Kandy Govi Catholic parents seek academically qualified employed daughter for their son 32 height 5’3” teetotaler. Professionally qualified, working in a International airline as an Senior Executive. Email: [email protected] Tel. 0812240368 Pl. call after 7.00 pm.
Kind invitation to parents of a very beautiful fair skinned young daughter with a very good character to introduce their daughter to our 22 year 5’10” handsome son to develop a relationship towards marriage. He is studying a medical course in the University. We are a very respectable GB family living in the UK & have brought him up very well with our cultural values. Other differences immaterial. email: hds4la@yahoo.com
Parents living in Toronto Canada with an established family business seek a smart loving caring daughter, religion immaterial who has had overseas exposure (lived or studied abroad) and socially compatible for Sinhalese Buddhist son 27 years 5’10” professionally qualified Software Developer in Canada. Handsome kind well mannered and sporty with assets. Older sister married and established in Colombo City. Email details to mandyperera@hotmail.com
Professionally qualified daughter is sought by B/G/N retired parents for their professionally qualified son, MSc., MBA, 1985 born, 5’4” and employed in reputed Company as a Manager. He is handsome, non-smoker and teetotaller. Kuja 4, Shani 7. Please reply with horoscope. apraposal@yahoo.com
Professional G/B parents seek an accomplished, kind hearted and well mannered daughter for their tall, slim and handsome son, 32 born and brought up in England with Sri Lankan Values. Privately educated law graduated LLB (Hons) and a partner in the family business which he will inherit. He is polite. mild mannered and easy going. Cast immaterial, should be willing to relocate to UK. Reply with family details: [email protected]
Respectable wealthy Buddhist parents from Colombo seek very pretty and fair daughter for their son who is 27 years of age (5’7’’ height) teetotaller and non-smoker, handsome, fair and very smart looking educated at Ananda College and completed higher studies, owns successful businesses around Colombo. He inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: groom9191@gmail.com
Roman Catholic Sinhalese parents seek an educated, religious minded fair & pretty daughter for their son 30 yrs, 5’11’’ tall, fair & handsome, non-smoker, teetotaller double degree holder, MSc qualified, lecturing in a foreign based university in Colombo & pursuing further studies. E-mail: nelvee57@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist professional parents from Colombo seek a pretty decent educated partner for their son 33 yrs (Dec. 1984) 5’9” tall good looking with sober habits. He is reading for his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry in Boston USA. Those who are studying or working in USA preferred. Write with family details to CS.proposals84@gmail.com
Sinhala Govi Buddhist parents seek a daughter from respectable family with equal status born November 1986, and 5’4½, medium complexion and handsome with good family values had primary and secondary education in a respectable schools in Kandy graduate in law (LLB) (Hons) UK Attorney at Law. He has PR in Canada, daughter Civil Engineer now living in Melbourne, Australia. Contact [email protected] +94812225702
S/G/B/ parents from Colombo searching marriage partner for their son 29 yrs, 5’11” medium built. Studied at a leading Buddhist School, Colombo graduated from a University in America and completed his PhD (doctorate) in Polymer Chemistry. Son is currently working as senior Formulation Engineer in a coatings company in America. Only sister persuading her Master’s Degree in an American University. Parents are looking for a S/G/B bride below 27 yrs. from a respectable family suitably educated and willing to settle down in America. Reply with a copy of the horoscope and full details through Sunday Observer or by email : grdon5711@yahoo.com
1989 October Panadura Sinhala Buddhist B.Eng Mechanical UCL UK MBA pending 6’3” living in Sri Lanka dual citizen UK Managing Director reputed Company parents seek an educated Buddhist pretty daughter. 0382236234. mplanka1989@gmail.com
991 Bodu Govi Kotte 6’1” handsome only son in the family completed B.Sc Hons in Architecture (U.K) CSA Part I and CSA Part II in Architecture. Working as an Architect in a leading Architecture Firm in Colombo. Due to complete Chartered in Architecture at the end of this year. He has his own vehicle, inherits valuable house and property, additional house and a shop on main road. Only sister married and residing separately. Parents looking for educated pretty and well mannered daughter. Reply with family details along with a copy of horoscope. email: mranjika@yahoo.com