About our daughter Colombo suburb G/B academically and professionally qualified BSc Management degree holder and CIMA final level student, fair complexioned pretty 5’6” tall big built younger daughter 1991 March well-mannered kind-hearted with attractive charming personality. Retired B/G parents seek a tall educated and kind-hearted suitable partner. Inherits high value properties with fixed income and assets. Religion immaterial. Please reply with full family details and contact Nos. in first letter. proposal.dehiwala@gmail.com
Above 5’4’’ academically and professionally qualified well employed teetotaller/non-smoker son from Sinhala Bodu family within Colombo/suburbs sought by parents for their well-mannered BSc special, Chartered Accountant, CIMA (UK), 1986, pretty, smart, Manager daughter in a leading finance company attached to a state bank in Colombo. She drives her own brand new car. Elder brother is a Doctor (Surgeon). Younger sister is a Management graduate. Caste immaterial. Reply with non-malefic horoscope and family details. proposalmail17@gmail.com
Absolutely attractive healthy fair 47, professional Consultant, Ladies College educated young-looking lady with own assets seeks financially stable gent for marriage. Only gents receiving salary need reply. Businessmen do not apply. Divorcees with infants welcome. 0112289578. tanranma@gmail.com
Absolutely beautiful, Australian born and raised, fair, 5’6” academically and professionally qualified daughter’s parents are seeking an academically/professionally qualified son for their only child. She holds a Masters and Bachelor’s degree from the University of Melbourne and inherits substantial assets. Roman Catholic parents have raised daughter with Sri Lankan family values and are seeking a suitable partner 28-34 years of age with preference given to those in Australia, USA, UK. (Buddhist families considered). Email: melbprop2018@gmail.om
Absolutely reliable professional, academic, doctor is sought by B/K professional parents for their daughter, PhD holder, Lecturer in a University New Zealand. She is 34, very fair, 5’3” slim & young looking. Brought up with Sri Lankan values. Reply with family details & the horoscope. jayasudg@gmail.com
Academically and professionally MSc BSc qualified B/G slim tan complexioned elder daughter 1987 May 5’3” well-mannered kind-hearted and attractive. Retired B/G parents seek a tall educated kind-hearted suitable partner. Inherits high value properties with fixed income and assets. Please reply with full family details and contact No. in first letter. Religion immaterial. proposal.1987@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified loving, caring son is sought by G/B parents living in Australia for academically, professionally qualified slim, very pretty daughter, 36 years, 5 ft. 6 inches tall, living and working for a leading Law Firm in London. UK or Australian residents preferred. Please reply with family details and contact information to, Email : tj0542@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified NS below 33 years well mannered caring partner is sought by respectable Sinhalese Buddhist / Catholic parents from USA for their daughter living in USA 27 years pretty, fair with a pleasing personality holds a Master’s Degree. Please reply with horoscope and family details, email to: mangala567@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner (47-51) preferably in USA or Sri Lanka is sought by parents for their daughter a Scientist US PhD and PR 47, 5’1” fair very attractive younger looking never married with Buddhist cultural values inherits substantial assets. Currently attached to an academic institute in US. Reply with phone number and full details. bluelotus541@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Govi Buddhist Sinhala parents living in New Zealand. Our proposed younger daughter has completed two Degrees in Engineering and Commerce. She works as an Engineer for a reputed Company. She is 31 years. 5’10”, fair and inherits a valuable investment in NZ. Please reply with family details and horoscope to suduaraliya86@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Govi / Buddhist family living in Colombo for their daughter who has brought up with Buddhist values. She is born in 1974, 5’4”. Currently working as an Assistant Accountant in a reputed company. Please reply with family details. email: mrgganga_74@yahoo.com.
Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered caring son working abroad or Australia sought by G/B parents for their daughter slim fair pretty professionally and academically qualified born 1989 Jan. 5’2”, now reading for PhD in Australia studied at leading school brought up with Buddhist values. Same caste preferred. Shani 1. mprop1964@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified, below 34 years, well-mannered caring son is sought by respectable G/B parents from Kandy for their daughter, who is currently living in Canada, born in 1988 December, 5’ 8 1/2”, pretty, fair, slim with a pleasing personality. Educated at a leading Girls School in Kandy and graduated at a UK-affiliated private education institute in Colombo and at a Canadian University. Please reply only to the email with family details and contact number. E-mail : ifadanura@gmail.com
Academically Professionally qualified partner is sought by retired G/B parents Colombo Suburbs for their daughter 30 yrs, 5’3” very pretty, slim attractive, studied in a Colombo school, BSC CIMA-ACMA qualified, financial Analyst at reputed company. Inherits reluble assets. Kuja buda in 1st house. Reply with H/C. Email: [email protected]
Academically qualified for abroad study/work or employed (preferably Engineer, Scientist, Lecturer) teetotaller and non-smoker son who likes to settle in abroad (in the USA) from Sinhala Bodu family is sought by G/B professional parents from Colombo suburb for their 1984 September born well-mannered, pretty and kind hearted elder daughter brought up according to Buddhist values. She is currently reading PhD with teaching assistantship in a prestigious university in the USA. Younger brother is a University Lecturer in Sri Lanka. Please reply with family details and contact information. E-mail: sdclkshmi84@gmail.com
Academically qualified well mannered son is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents for their daughter, 1981 July 5’6” slim medium complexion and pleasant looking. B.Sc (S.L) and M.B.A. (UK) employed as Executive in private institution. Reply with horoscope. proposalfer@yahoo.com
Academically & professionally qualified caring son is sought by B/G parents for their daughter, Engineer, 35, 5’2”, pretty, fair, slim, BSc. Moratuwa University & working for International Company in Colombo. Inherits substantial assets. Reply with HC niprop2015@gmail.com
Academically / professionally qualified partner is sought by BG parents living Colombo suburbs for their fair slim 5’2”, 33, Senior Lecturer daughter. Also owns a car, house and other properties. Please reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail : wiraduwa2017@gmail.com
Academically / professionally qualified son is sought by Govigama parents from Colombo for their Convent educated daughter 31, 5’2’’, professionally and academically (MBA) qualified, working as a Senior Executive in a leading company in Sri Lanka. Buddhist/Catholic preferred. Please reply with horoscope and family details. 2018marriageproposals@gmail.com
Academically / professionally qualified well-mannered caring son is sought by respectable Sinhala Buddhist parents for their pretty fair kind-hearted 5’4”, 25 yrs daughter who is a Canadian PR holder Science graduate working in medical field. She has been brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values and inherits family assets. If interested please reply with family details horoscope and contact numbers. galappap@live.com
Academically & professionally qualified, caring son is sought by Buddhist, professional parents for their 33 year old daughter, working as a Medical Doctor in the US. Please reply with family details, contact Nos and horoscope to parents717@gmail.com
Academically, professionally qualified well mannered caring son is sought by retired parents G/B for for LLB, LLM Lawyer daughter born in February 1983, height 5’7”. Please reply with horoscope.
Academically, professionally qualified well-mannered son sought by B/K/G parents for their pretty slim daughter born 1985 November, 5’4” finished her PhD. Now join a new job in U.S.A. Other daughters married Engineers (they are Sinhalese) live in England and Australia. Reply full family details and horoscope (Sinhala / English) Kuja 2nd, preferred by us. E-mail : drezy61@gmail.com
Affluent G/B respectable parents seek well employed graduate partner for fair, pretty, very pleasant bank executive daughter born in 1984 April, height 5’5’’, BSc/MSc studied in UK. E-mail: ps25484@gmail.com
An academically and professionally qualified (Preferably Medical Doctor) NS respectable caring son between 25 & 29 years is sought by B/G parents for their 24 years old daughter employed as a Dentist in Melbourne. She is pretty fair kind and caring. She was born in Melbourne and was brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Preference will be given to Australian residents. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email : marryprop18@gmail.com
An accomplished educated son 42-49 yrs. sought by parents for their pretty, younger looking, US citizen, never married daughter. She is independent, educated with a Doctorate and has a rewarding career. Currently residing in Europe. Prefer someone living in US, Europe, Canada or Australia. She will be in Sri Lanka in May for a short vacation. Email : maprop2017@gmail.com with details.
An educated and caring partner sought by siblings for Buddhist, Sinhala (Bodhi Vansha) pleasant sister from Kandy. Age 41 and 5’3”. She holds MBA (UK) and has experience as an Accountant both in SL and overseas. Presently employed as a teacher. Divorced nine years ago, after a brief marriage without any encumbrances. Willing to migrate or settle in SL. She inherits substantial assets. Differences are immaterial. sl.kandy2018@yahoo.com
Australian resident GB professional parents seek professionally qualified partner for their attractive daughter (only child) 33 years, 5’6”, completed Engineering Degrees and Masters in Australia and working as a Project Manager in well established Organisation in Australia. She owns and will also be inheriting substantial assets in Australia and Sri Lanka. Please reply with full details and horoscope. Email : Lotus07@optusnet.com.au
A respectable Colombo Sinhala Catholic parents seek a good bachelor son for their 38 yrs, 5’5”, very much younger looking, very beautiful, convent educated, well mannered daughter working at a prestigious company in a high post drawing a six figure salary. Has assets. maryprop18@gmail.com
Bodu Salagama respectable parents near Colombo seek a suitable son for English graduate Masters qualified pretty fair very young looking 5’7”, 1978 Sept. born daughter an executive in reputed organization in Colombo. mprs922@gmail.com
Buddhist Govigama parents from Colombo suburbs seek a compatible partner for their only daughter 32 yrs of age, 5’ 1/6” in height, medium complexion PhD holder, presently employed as a visiting researcher at a University in USA. Please send family details with copy of horoscope. Email: anura_s@yahoo.com
Buddhist Govi professional family, father medical consultant, seek an educated, professionally qualified smart son from respectable Bodu Govi family for their MSc., PhD (London) qualified very attractive, fair, slim, 5’4” tall, Senior Lecturer, never married, 1978 February born daughter, possessing substantial assets. Please write with family details and horoscope. piyn@sltnet.lk
Buddhist K/G parents public service seek partner for only child born 1994/01 height 5’3 1/2” studied at Catholic school passed foundation in banking, with assets. Caste immaterial. Reply family details horoscope. TP: 038-2289505. Email: matry1994@gmail.com
Buddhist parents residing in Canada seek an academically and professionally qualified son, living in Canada or willing to migrate, for their 29 yrs, 5’4”, pretty, fair daughter, graduated from a prestigious University and currently employed in health field. Please reply with family details and horoscope. propw2018@gmail.com
Buddhist Vishva parents from Kandy seek a suitable partner for their well-mannered fair daughter born in 1991, 5’4” she is currently employed in a leading company in Kandy as an Audit Assistant migration also considered. Please reply with horoscope, family details and contact numbers. Email: sismarriagepro@gmail.com
B/G Buddhist Colombo parents seek suitable partner for their youngest daughter. She was born in 1995, 5’3” height and undergraduate of SLITT (Part-time). Presently working for reputed Bank. She is fair pretty well-brought up. Prefers academically and professionally qualified partner who is well settled in Europe country or here in SL. Willing to migrate. Please reply with contact number and family details. 0112839671. Email: proposalgm2017@gmail.com
B/G parents from a respectable family from Alawwa in Kurunegala District looking for academically and professionally qualified son for their only daughter born in 1990/02 and 5’2” height. She is B.Sc qualified in Bio Science in Colombo University and currently reading for PhD. She has a newly built 2 storeyed house and a new luxury car. Please reply with full details of family background and contact Numbers. Our Email: bmkularatne@gmail.com
B/G parents in Kandy seek an academically professionally qualified, well established, kind hearted partner for their pretty, fair daughter PhD graduated from USA, 1985 January, 5’0”, currently employed as a scientist and senior lecturer in Colombo suburbs. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email: [email protected]
B/G respectable parents with well-established family business in Colombo district looking for well-mannered educated son in same caste for their youngest daughter pleasant and well-mannered born in 1984 December, 5’3’’, educated in Colombo leading girls school and presently involved with the family business as a Director. She owns substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail: proposald9@gmail.com
B/G retired Senior Bank Executive / Lawyer father & his wife looking educated partner for their pretty daughter (1982), B.Sc & M.Sc educated from SL/UK with substantial means. Flexible to settle down SL/abroad. Two younger sisters married and living in Australia. Malefic horoscope. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email: the2017proposal@gmail.com
B/G/K parents from Colombo suburbs seek well qualified partner for their daughter, 1990, 5’2”, slim and fair, BSc, MSc, ACMA. Studied at leading school. Well employed in a private bank. Caste immaterial. Migration considered. tmhdesilva123@gmail.com
B/K parents from Panadura seek professionally academically qualified well mannered pleasant son below 35 for daughter 30+, 5’4” pretty fair Graduate employed respects family values. Owns newly built house in Panadura to reside after marriage with other inherited assets. Preferred horoscope with Kuja in 1, 2, 4, 7, 12 houses. Reply with horoscope family details, contact telephone number. Email: akhfdo@gmail.com
B/K parents seek academically professionally qualified son for daughter pretty fair graduate employed with six-figure salary born April 1987 owns new house other assets Kuja in 7th House. Reply with horoscope family details contact telephone number. Email: jayamangala2016@gmail.com.
Catholic mother seeks suitable partner for daughter working in a leading private establishment as an Executive, age 52, height 5’4” slim medium complexion not married before. Tamil educated in a private Colombo Catholic Convent in Sinhala medium race immatrial, possess substantial assets. Email augustid3@yahoo.com
Colombo Bodu Govi 1995 5’3” 3rd year undergraduate - University of Colombo - Law educated at Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo, pleasant daughter with moral values business parents seek son from a business family (businessman) from Colombo with Kuja 1 2 4 7 8 12 Shani 1 2 7 8. Kindly reply with copy of a horoscope family details & the phone number in first letter. Email: marriagepropo@gmail.com
Colombo Catholic Sinhala respectable parents seek a tall qualified sociable son from a similar family for their 30 years 5’8” convent educated intelligent devout pretty well-mannered daughter working as a Manager in a U.K. company in Sri Lanka, owns brand new car jewellery and other assets. joebastian2018@gmail.com
Colombo Chetty Roman Catholic / Christian parents living close to Colombo seek an academically and professionally qualified, employed and well-mannered caring partner for their daughter, 5 feet 3 inches, fair and pretty, born in 1992. She is an Attorney-at-Law with LLB (London), LLM (London) and reading for PhD in Law and is presently working in a leading international organization as a Legal Officer. She will receive a substantial cash dowry. Please email: elizasl2015@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs G/B retired parents seek educated kind son for their daughter born 1990, 4’11’’, Software Engineer by profession. Only sister is a Lecturer at state university and married. E-mail: barana1950@yahoo.com
Colombo, Govi Buddhist respectable parents seek educated son for their just 26, height 4’11”, slim smart attractive. One and only daughter qualified with a degree in Business Management. Educated in a leading school in Colombo and employed as an Executive in a reputed company. Inherits substantial assets. Reply with horoscope copy and family details. Email: ashokkodi2017@gmail.com Contact TP: 0114404962.
Durawa Buddhist parents seek for their daughter 28 years, 5’7” fair and attractive, law graduate and Attorney-at-Law, an educated boy. Email: proposal2228@gmail.com Please reply with horoscope.
GB Parents living in England seek for their pretty highly qualified daughter 38 yrs. Senior Executive of a Company partner of similar status. E-mail : dkg2018@hotmail.com
Govi Buddhist Professional parents living in USA for 30 years looking for a US educated son for their JD qualified Attorney daughter. She is 27 years old 5’4”, fair , well mannered , talented, working in a leading law firm in a major city. Reply with copy of horoscope. Lalithra27@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist parents seek an academically professionally qualified son for their daughter 29 years, 5’5” in height, pretty slim, fair complexion, brought up in a Buddhist environment, holding a Master’s Degree from a reputed university in the UK. Prefer a son residing in the UK. Please reply family details and horoscope. Email: marraigeproposales2018@yahoo.com
Govi Catholic parents from Colombo seek a well- mannered partner, professionally and academically qualified or with a well-established business, for their daugter height 5’5”, born 1990. She has an Accounting and finance degree from a prestigious University in Australia and a CIMA passed finalist. She is currently employed at a leading private Bank in Colombo. She will inherit substantial assets. Reply with full details of your son and family, Contact details to the following email address: nimesh1960@hotmail.com
Govi Catholic parents residing in Canada looking for an academically and professionally qualified partner below 33, living in Canada for their 27 year old pretty daughter 5’3” height, Kuja in 7th House, but in a good position. Reply with a copy of your sons’s birth time and date to: mwijesekera@gmail.com
Govi/Buddhist respectable parents seek a suitable steady partner with a reasonable monthly income for their 1990 born daughter having a pleasing personality. Would inherit substantial amount of assets. Studied at a leading Buddhist school in Colombo, 5’2” in height and good moral values. Malefic horoscopes preferred. Write with copy of horoscope to: proag1234@gmail.com
G/B Medical profession father Colombo seeks suitable son from preferably USA for only daughter, 25 years old very pretty, very fair with substantial assets, 5’3” height. She is studying in USA. She was legally separated two weeks after miss match proposal marriage and plaintiff no encumbrances. Brother medical student and USA Green Card Holder. infoson329@gmail.com 0112080641.
G/B parents seek partner for their pretty daughter, 23 years, 5’2” height, educated at leading school in Colombo and currently completing her degree. Siblings reside overseas. Please reply with horoscope, family details and contact numbers. Email: mjsw60@gmail.com
G/C Attractive Fair, slim, Professional in early fifties but looks much younger differences immaterial if compatible. [email protected]
Ja-ela Catholic Govi professional parents (father-Professor) seek educated partner for Convent educated daughter (fair, 5’2”, 30 yr), Convent Teacher in English, Colombo. 0112242042 (after 7 p.m.). ddnbdaya@yahoo.com
Kandyan B/G parents seek educated partner for their daughter born 1985 5’3” BSc (hons) Peradeniya, fair, slim, employed as scientist in New Zealand. Partner willing to migrate preferred. Reply with family details. Email: [email protected]
Kandy G/B respectable parents seek professionally qualified son below 41 years studied in a leading school who is fluent in English NS/TT for their pleasant, slim, smart daughter (1980 Nov), 5’, working as a senior manager of a reputed organization in abroad. Pls reply with horoscope & family details. [email protected]
Kandy Sinhala Bodu Kandyan parents looking for well mannered partner from a respectable family for their educated and professionally qualified daughter 30 years old 5’3” IT graduate Software Engineer working in a bank. Copy of horoscope along with all particulars. [email protected]
Medical Doctor son between 29 and 35 years is sought for MBBS Doctor daughter father Medical Specialist. She owns luxury house in Colombo among other assets. Email docvinmen1987@gmail.com Tel: 2695547.
Moor parents from a respectable family seek a professionally and academically qualified partner with sober habits for their daughter. She had her entire university education in UK and holds a BSc. Hons. and MSc. Degree from two prestigious UK Universities. She is 25 years, 5’8” tall & tan in complexion. She is currently working in a reputed Company holding a responsible position. Interested parties please apply to mnprop22@gmail.com
Moor parents seek academically and professionally qualified groom from a respectable family background below 38 yrs, for Doctor daughter 31 yrs, 5’3’’, slim & smart, willing to migrate. goldijan12@hotmail.com
Moor parents seek academically qualified religious and from a good family background groom below 35 yrs, for Software Engineer daughter 28 yrs, 5’ 1/2”, slim & smart willing to migrate. responseproposal@gmail.com
Moor, affluent family seeks a qualified groom below 35, for their pretty, smart, educated and well accomplished daughter. Please give all details in the first correspondence. Email : daughter3333@hotmail.com
Mother from Negombo Roman Catholic seeks a Roman Catholic partner above 43 years for her pretty daughter who is a lover of music and handicraft instructor who owns a house. goodone461@gmail.com
Panadura B/G parents professionally qualified seek educated partner with sober habits for their daughter Masters qualified Asst. Director in Public sector born in 1973, 5’2” land for dowry in Kirulapone Colombo 5 and other assets. Reply with details and horoscope. proposaljd@gmail.com
Parents seek a decent, genuine suitable partner for their beautiful, smart daughter 1975, MBBS Doctor, divorced, no children. Australian residents, specially considered to migrate after marriage. Only Emails:- ranjaniwijen@gmail.com
Respectable Kandyan Govi Buddhist parents (Retired Banker / Teacher) from Kandy, Matale residing in Colombo suburbs seek a suitable, well-mannered, educated son, T/T, N/S, for their 1991 December born fair, pretty eldest daughter, 5 ft. studied in a leading private Buddhist school, graduated (State University) with CIMA, employed in a private company, currently reading for an MBA. Younger sister is awaiting University entrance. Please respond with horoscope and contact details by E-mail to: proposaldec1991@gmail.com
She is 51 years old 5’2” S/B fair and attractive, kind hearted well settled, divorced Australian citizen with a pleasing character. Employed as a professional at a reputed company. Looking for an honest, caring, outgoing, professional, well settled gentleman. Reply only those who live in Australia with details to lndabey1968@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents are looking for a suitable partner for their beautiful fair and smart daughter who is an Engineer by profession, she is Canadian, 34 years old 5’6” in height and employed in Canadian Consultancy Project in the UAE. Preferred partner should be Western educated professionally qualified and willing to relocate. kgbrat308@hotmail.com
Sinhala Govi parents seek a professionally qualified partner for their 37 years (5’7”) daughter living and working in UK. Please reply with full details to kkcperera1996@yahoo.com or 0112907780.
Sinhala parents seek pleasant NS/TT son 5’6” and above for 26 year old daughter who graduated and is working in the UK as a Doctor. Please reply with family details and horoscope to pndf2956@gmail.com
Sinhala, Govi, Buddhist parents from Kadawatha seek an educated and well mannered son for our fair, pretty and good charactered daughter. She holds a B.Sc Degree (University of Peradeniya) and Cert. CIMA. She inherits a house in Kadawatha area. Reply with all details with a copy of horoscope and telephone number.
Sinhalese Buddhist / Catholic parents currently living in New Zealand seek a well-mannered and academically professionally qualified partner for their well-brought up eldest daughter aged 27 born in Australia now living in New Zealand, 5ft tall educated with a Bachelor of Education working as an early childhood teacher. Prefer those residing in Australia, New Zealand or Sri Lanka. Aged below 35. Caste / religion immaterial. Please reply with a photo and family details. Write to: mangala9891@gmail.com
Suitable partner sought for daughter professional Accountant working in Australia NSW age 38+, pretty, divorced, without encumbrances. Reply with full details with contact telephone number. Email : hmstamau@gmail.com
Well educated, young looking, Sinhalese Christian lady, 5’5’’ previously not married and living close to Colombo seeks suitable partner above 60 years (sriyaniwijey1954@gmail.com)
Western Province B/G parents seek an academically and professionally qualified suitable partner for their MBBS Doctor daughter born 1990, 5’ (Kuja 8) working at a Government Hospital in Western Province. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email: slproposal90@gmail.com