Academically and professionally qualified pretty, well mannered bride, living in United Kingdom or willing to migrate, sought for brother citizen in United Kingdom, 32 years, Buddhist, 5’9” handsome, smart, graduated from a University in UK, working in a managerial position and has own business, will be in Sri Lanka first two weeks of February. Please reply with full details: proposalisj@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by GB Buddhist parents for their 29 years 5 months old 5’7” in height fair handsome non smoker teetotaller graduated son in Business Management and currently working as a Manager at a private company seeking a graduated good looking daughter. Write full details with horoscope. propoviraj@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified pretty daughter sought by G/B Colombo suburb retired mother for her 30 years, 5’6” handsome, caring son, University of Colombo Statistics graduate with MBA from UK, employed as a Senor Anayalyst in an Airline. Sister married and reading for PhD in USA. Kindly respond to email: propmr87@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified pretty well-mannered daughter is sought by respectable G/B parents from Colombo for their handsome Doctor son born in 1986 November 5’8” inherits substantial assets. Respond with family details and horoscope. Email: proposalgvc86@yahoo.com
Academically qualified daughter who works in Australia sought by parents for their son 1988 June 6’ working in an Australian Bank. d_liyanage@hotmail.com
Academically qualified fair, tall, caring daughter from a respectable family is sought by Govi/Buddhist mother for her handsome son who is carrying on the family business in Kurunegala. He is born in 89/1, 5’11” tall, fair & educated in a leading private school in Kandy. (Colombo & Kandy preferred). Please reply with family details and the horoscope. Email: nmg63@hotmail.com
Academically qualified pretty slim daughter below 40 years of age sought for BSc. Engineer son working in USA, He is B/K smart handsome 5’5” 50 years old divorced, reply with horoscope. pearl8pearl@hotmail.com 0412255011.
An educated caring pleasant partner (preferably doctor, engineer) is sought by retired S/B professional parents for their loving caring 33yr old 6’ son, MBBS doctor in govt service. [email protected]
An educated slim pretty partner uphold Sri Lankan culture is sought for brother divorced plaintiff no encumbrances with professional degree in a higher managerial position smart younger looking 47 years kind-hearted well-mannered 5’8” Sinhalese Govi non-smoker teetotaller. Caste religion differences immaterial. Please respond with family & contact telephone numbers. Western & Central Provinces preferred. Email: suranj18@hotmail.com
A respectable Radala Buddhist parents seeks an educated, qualified, lovable daughter who loves family life for their son, born 1978/11, 5’9”, slim, handsome and professionally qualified with sober habits and working for a Colombo based German multinational company in a leadership position. Legally separated with a five year old son. Please respond with family details and a copy of the horoscope in first letter. ([email protected])
A respectable, affluent B/G family from south seeks a well brought up, appropriately educated B/G daughter with means, for their graduate engineer only son, PR Australia, 6 ft, 27 yrs. Inherits substantial assets including house and property. Reply with horoscope and full details. Names may be later. sdeprop@yahoo.com
A well-accomplished, tall, slim daughter is sought by G/B parents for their 33 years old Doctor son, 6’4” smart and handsome, working as a Consultant in the UK. Email: mproposal101@hotmail.com
Bodu Govi middle class family parents seek a daughter studying or living in USA or Canada for our son, studying in USA. Born 1989, height 5’4”, NS/TT. Horoscope essential. Email : proposal6363@gmail.com
Bodu Govi parents seek a partner for their handsome NS/TT son born in 1989, height 5’11’’, studied at a leading school in Kandy, graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering degree. He was attached to a well known Software firm in Colombo as a Software Engineer. Presently he has started his own venture for Developing Software with USA. He owns a modern house in Colombo suburbs vehicle and inherits properties outside Colombo. Educated, well mannered, pretty, caring daughter is sought. Undergraduate also can be considered. Please reply with family details. proposal74638@gmail.com
Bodu Govi well established parents with good means and social status seek a pretty educated daughter for their 6ft, 30+ years, handsome son studied at reputed Colombo school and received graduate and postgraduate qualifications from a high ranked university professionally qualified and well employed. Owns assets with substantial value. No encumbrances. Migration considered for right partner, copy of horoscope required. E-mail: propson2018@gmail.com
Bodu Govi, respectable parents, from Galle, seek a pleasant educated daughter for their son, holds a BSc hospitality. Management Degree from La Traobe University Australia, employed as an Assistant Manager in a leading hospitality organisation in Australia. Born 1990 height 5’6”. Please email details to kabeyratna@gmail.com +94912283635.
Bodu / Govi / Vishwa, Colombo retired professional parents seek a professionally qualified daughter for their 28 years 5’10”, handsome, PR Holder, employed in Australia as a Mechanical Engineer (Monash - Methourn Graduated) TT/NS youngest son, with two brothers also professionals and live overseas. Please reply with copy of horoscope & family details to : sarosen1987@gmail.com
Bodu/Govi parents residing in the UK looking for a professionally qualified daughter for their 26 year old 6 feet tall son, he is a UK qualified paediatrician working in London and studying for his MSc / PhD. He is well-mannered and encompasses Buddhist values. He holds dual nationality and inherits assets in UK and Sri Lanka. Please reply with family details. Email propx1991@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi height 5’8’’, 29 years, very kind with good personality, smart son working as a Manager in a reputed bank based at head office. He has an MBA from PIM. He owns a two storied house. Mother seeks a daughter with respectable family background who is very kind and educated. son.propo88@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi/Karawe Son 1983/10 5’5” ACMA/CGMA, and ACCA, MBA final stage. Manager reputed company only child parents seek fair slim educated partner proximity Colombo and Colombo areas preferred.
Buddhist parents seek a pretty educated daughter under 46 for British qualified professional son 5 feet 7 inches non-smoker, a dual citizenship holder divorced (Plaintiff) with no encumbrances. He owns modern house, car and assets. Reply with horoscope and contact number. Your information will be treated confidentially. E-mail : mysweetbride@outlook.com
Burgher Christian RC mother Sinhalese, 1981 June born 5’4”. Manager at Private Firm. Educated at College in Colombo. Differences immaterial. lookout4partner @gmail.com Contact Sister - 0112710618.
B/G good looking son aged 32 who works in a reputed company seeks a kind attractive girl. She must be well accomplished. kasunthiva@yahoo.com
B/K prominent business family from Colombo seeking a well broughtup, pretty daughter for their son, born in 1985 Dec., 5’7” in height. Studied at a leading School in Colombo and is currently a partner of the import orientated family business. A daughter from a business background is preferred between ages of 24-27. Non-smoker / teetotaller. Kuja 7 and Mula Nekatha. Email : sonproposals85@gmail.com
Central Province Bodu/ Rajaka, 1991 5’8” flight attendant work at reputed airline. Parents seek qualified beautiful daughter. Send details with horoscope. Differences immaterial.
Colombo Buddhist parents seek an attractive and smart daughter, for their attractive, smart and educated son born 1975, studied in UK and qualified as an Attorney-at-Law in Sri Lanka and in the USA, having the US Green Card, Director in family company and owns properties. Email : mprw2018@gmail.com
Colombo based wealthy G/B parents with substantial assets seek for their only son, university educated with sober habits, partner in Export Oriented family business, 34 years, 5’7” in height, handsome a well brought up educated pretty bride from a similar background Email Address: [email protected]
Colombo suburbs Govi Buddhist educated established parents seek 26 y or less educated pretty cultured daughter from a respectable family for youngest son 28y. 5’8” fair, pleasant N/S, T/T Senior Software Engineer (BSc) with assets. Married brother, sister in laws professionals family details, phone number copy of horoscope. circular61@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs professional G/B parents seek an educated professional daughter for our youngest son Electrical Engineer with sober habits 25 years old born August 1992, 5’11” height and handsome. Reply family details with horoscope. Email: lulu.1992mp@gmail.com
Educated pretty slim & fair daughter is sought for the 32 years 5’5” handsome son BBA & Masters qualified (Colombo University) working as a Head of HR at a leading Pharmaceutical Company by retired B/G Bank Officer parents from Colombo. Reply with FB name.
Gampaha B/G parents seek educated qualified bride for their son, 45, 5’6”, NS/TT. He holds PhD in Chemical Engineering, Australia PR holder, currently working as a Manager in an International Company, Colombo. Never married. Marriage delayed due to higher studies in overseas. propohap@hotmail.com
Govi Buddhist affluent, Kandyan, respectable family living in England looking for a pretty, educated and simple daughter willing to migrate to England for our proposed son born in 1981, handsome, kind-hearted brought up and educated in England value Sri Lankan culture and Buddhist values. He is M.Sc graduate and Chartered Accountant, working as a Senior Executive in a leading firm in England. He owns considerable wealth and properties in England and in Sri Lanka. He is divorced after a short period of arranged marriage but no encumbrances. Father is an academic and Chartered Accountant working as a Managing Director of a company in England, owns properties wealth in England and in Sri Lanka. Respond with horoscope to the following e-mail address. emails.proposals@yahoo.com Tel: 0112853918.
Govi Buddhist parents living in USA, seek an eduacted bride for their 33 years old, 6’ son religious non-smoker teetotaller dual citizen computer science graduate working in state computer engineering department. Substantial assets in both countries. Please reply with family details and horoscope. cniro777@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist Sinhala parents seek a partner for son who has academically qualified, has a PhD in Engineering. He is 5’4’’, pleasant and young looking, age 42. Please reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: atmp297@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist, well respectable family in Kotte seek GB, accomplished willing to travel daughter preferably a teacher, for their 35 yrs, tall well-built son, post graduated in Australia, heads a conglomerate of business in Sri Lanka. Send family details & HP. C/o Sunday Observer or E-mail: mwcdm@gmail.com
G B K highly respectable well established business parents from Kandy seek an educated pretty slim well mannered kind hearted loving daughter fluent in English for their handsome fair smart son excellent character with very good personality height 5’11” Trinitian sportsman 35 years graduated from his Masters in Business Administration in a prestigious Uni in Melbourne Australia. Currently he is the Managing Director in the family owned hotel business. Inherits substantial valuable assets. Reply with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Email: [email protected]
G/B academically & professionally qualified (B.Sc, MBA, FCMA) IT Consultant / Senior Manager, 44 years, 5’8”, handsome teetotaller, non-smoker, excellent character, from Gampaha District respectable family, only son, owns upstair house, car seeking beautiful educated, kind, fair never married unblemished daughter, below 36 years, planning migrating Australia.Reply with horoscope. Email: mp2018jan@gmail.com
G/B professional parents seek an educated daughter willing to migrate or living in UK (preferred) for their son 32 years handsome British citizen 5’11” B.Sc & M.Sc. well established Lead Software Consultant in UK. Please respond with family details ukprop16@gmail.com
Kandyan G/B retired mother seeks an academically & professionally qualified slim fair pretty daughter below 29 above 5’2” for her only son 31+ 5’9” handsome well mannered TT/NS Australian qualified software engineer worked in a leading software company, lives in Melbourne. Only sister married & settled in abroad. Please reply with family details HC via [email protected]
Medical Doctor sister seeks an educated, pretty, fair bride for her brother, born in 1953, Buddhist, Karawa kula, Landed proprietor, with sober habits. Reply with a copy of the horoscope. Telephone: 0915730860.
Moor parents from Colombo seeking a bride from a respectable family in Colombo for their handsome son, age 24, height 5’7” attached to a private sector with B.Sc in Business Information System & owns assets. Please reply with full details to mn499245@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo seeks a beautiful Doctor bride for their son Doctor 27 years 5 ft. 11 inch. handsome working abroad. Forward your replies to: E-mail: hishamtradingco@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo seek a religious, educated, pretty and fair bride for their qualified son age 38 height 5’7’’. Holding an MBA and working as General Manager for a leading company in Colombo. Contact 011-2737491, amprop16@gmail.com
Moor uncle is seeking a daughter for his nephew hailing from a well connected Moor family from Kalutara district. He is 24 yrs. 5’7”, Al-Hafil, academically and professionally qualified and employed as HR Manager at a leading jewellery firm, independently He has some business interests, too. We are looking for an English educated, well mannered, religious, fair and pretty daughter of about 21 yrs. mowjoodakram@gmail.com
Parents are looking for bride for 39 years old Marine Engineer, father Jaffna Hindu Vellalar caste, mother Sinhalese, very fluent in all 3 languages, two elder brothers one is an Engineer in USA with the family. Other in Japan also an Engineer with the family. Bride must be under 35 years with minimum GCE Adv. Level preferably a Teacher preferred. Email - shanarumugam47@gmail.com
Parents living in Toronto Canada with an established family business seek a smart loving caring daughter, religion immaterial who has had overseas exposure (lived or studied abroad) and socially compatible for Sinhalese Buddhist son 27 years 5’10” professionally qualified Software Developer in Canada. Handsome kind well mannered and sporty with assets. Older sister married and established in Colombo City. Email details to mandyperera@hotmail.com
Parents seek a suitable partner (preferably residing in USA) for their 1991 born Royal Collage educated son now pursing graduate studies in aerospace engineering at a prestigious university in USA and due to graduate this year, for a relationship leading up tomarriage mail details to: [email protected]
Professionally qualified parents seek well mannered G/B qualified daughter for son 30, 5’8’’, BSc Engineer USA employed TT/NS religious brought up according to Sinhala culture. Reply with details and horoscope. proposal2083@gmail.com
Professional currently working overseas, born in 1980, 5 feet 8 inches, fair, Buddhist Sinhala Govi, non-smoker, seeks a pleasant girl not more than 30 years of age, Sinhala Buddhist Govi, professionally qualified, willing to continue to live in Sri Lanka in the mid to long term. Please include family details on reply to : prop333@outlook.com reply to Email only.
Respectable Sinhala Catholic parents in USA seek an academically qualified, fair, beautiful, slim partner for their son 26 years, 5’8’’. He is employed in USA Accounting graduate, a citizen of USA, bears an excellent character and inherits valuable assets. We prefer a daughter from a respectable family with a good character and has a bachelors degree (or a student). Please reply with family details to: anbc1217@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents from Canada, seek suitable partner for their son 35 years, College Graduate, 6’ tall, handsome works in Government Sector as a Priority Service Leader. (Sri Lanka, Canada, US, UK, Australia preferred). Email to : chandine123@yahoo.ca
Sinhala Buddhist parents seek a pretty educated girl under 35 for a MSc. qualified Investment Banker son living and working abroad, reply with copy of horoscope and details of family which will be reciprocated. Email srilondon@outlook.com
Sinhala Christian parents (father is a Barrister and Solicitor) in Australia seek a kind-hearted Christian, well educated, tall, pretty daughter for their son, 27 years, 6 ft. tall. He has double degree in Law and Accounting. He is the only child in the family. Please reply with family details and contact details. Email address prop20172018@gmail.com
Sinhala Karawe Roman Catholic father seeks a professionally qualified pretty daughter for his smart, handsome Telecommunication Engineer son 43 yrs., 5’10” MSc. (UK). Currently employed in the UK. Tel. 0112232825. Email : proposalsns2017@gmail.com
Sinhalese Buddhist mother seeks educted fair bride for Software Engineer son 1982, 3’10” employed in Australia. kaanthi123@gmail.com
Sinhalese Govi Buddhist educated parents Australian citizens in Sydney seek educated pretty fair beautiful daughter with a caring personality for our tall handsome fair son 5’11”, 27, completed Bachelor of Medicine at The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Completed a Bachelor of Medical Science Degree in Sydney University prior to becoming a doctor. Planned to work in Australia after completion of internship. Also, holds property assets. Only brother married May last year. Please reply with family details and HC. Email: pondspat@gmail.com
Sister looking for an educated between 30 to 36 yrs old partner for her handsome 6.2 tall, very well established living in Canada. Please reply to porchegt2000@gmail.com
Suitably qualified partner above 5’4” is sought by B/G professional parents for their handsome son 28, 5’10” Software Eng. owning a house and other assets, healthy salary. Caste, Religion immaterial. Email: hpjnc55@gmail.com
Tamil Christian parents with liberal values seek for an educated, well mannered bride for their 32 year old graduate son who is an Australian PR holder living and working in Melbourne. He will be visiting Sri Lanka for holidays. Race and religion immaterial. Email your details to: priyan1785@gmail.com (horoscope can be provided, if necessary).
Thalawathugoda, B/G, 31, mother seeking a pretty bride for only smart, 5’7”, highly employed son N/S T/T. She should be religious preferably Buddhist background from well to do family here or abroad, for quick marriage. High positions and educational qualifications not a priority. Horoscope to - motherseekbride@outlook.com
Western, Buddhist, Govi, respectable business family, 30 years, fair, height 5’8”, handsome son, working in leading German shipping company, legally devorced after shortlived marriage, parents seek daughter from respectable family. Email: wickramasingha@yahoo.com Tel: 0113637967.
WP/B/G mother seeks fair thin lady Doctor for 32 - 5’5” Doctor NS/T/T Mesha/Ma Ke 7, Sh 8, Ku Si 12 Reply with H/C. wavesta@gmail.com
W/P B/G mother seeks BSc IT Graduate for son Chemical Engineer 41 yrs, 5’7” presently Factory Manager. Six figure salary, teetotaller non-smoker religious dual Australian citizen legally separated. No encumbrances mother retired principal sisters Doctor Engineer married, property in Dehiwala. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email: ypaw2014@gmail.com Tel: 0112077681.
36, Tamil well qualified professional working in a Multinational Organization looking for a fair pretty partner. Race/creed immaterial. No barriers. proposalgroom2018@yahoo.com
$500 Reward for helper to find the right girl under 27 for son, 29, fair, 5’6”, non-smoking, non-bossy, never married, teetotaller with engineering degree, job, valuable assets and living in Sydney. Preferably female students coming to Sydney and girls living in Sydney. We welcome parents, self-proposing girls and helpers looking for a reward. Email: s5t8k6@gmail.com