About 5’6’’ tall, born to Buddhist K/G parents in 1985 July, he obtained first class Honours in BSc (Business Administration), passed finalist CIMA-UK, now Finance Executive to a Colombo based multinational company. He is fair, slim and handsome, genuine, teetotaller, non-smoker. He is kind and caring, respects Sinhala Buddhist way of life. Inherits a modern house and possesses substantial assets in Colombo suburbs. His only sister Doctor married and migrated to Australia, Dental Surgeon father housewife mother seek an educated professionally qualified lovable kind caring, fair, slim daughter who loves family life. Horoscope family details in full requested first letter. E-mail: nhk.gmr2018@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified beautiful daughter is sought by Colombo professional Govi - Buddhist parents (father Doctor mother teacher) for their handsome NS/TT 5’8” born 1982 youngest son B.Sc M.Sc. Information Technology (Special) Degree holder currently working for a highly reputed Australian IT company. Son is currently in Sri Lanka for a short holiday. All two brothers and only sister are Colombo University graduated MBBS Doctors. Email: myproposal255@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified charming daughter is sought by C/G mother for her educated son. He is 36, 6’1” handsome non-smoker with an excellent character. He is a Canadian citizen lives in Canada. Currently employed in a well reputed company. Religion immaterial. Please respond by E-mail with all relevant details to: swprop17@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified, well mannered and very kind hearted daughter from respectable family sought by Govi Buddhist parents for their son born in, 1985, 6ft, fair and handsome NS/TT holding double masters and working in USA. Those who are studying and working in USA or like to migrate and settle in USA are preferred. Reply with TP and H C. lankamp16@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified daughter sought by mother for Dentist son 38 yrs, 5’6” Royalist non-smoker teetotaller. Residing Colombo well-employed migration considered. happymaylucky@gmail.com
Academically qualified fair, slim, pretty daughter is sought by B/G parents living in Colombo for their NS/TT, fair & handsome son, 1985/11, 5’8’’, MSc in Software Engineering studied in Australia, currently working abroad and planning to resettle in Australia in February 2018. Kuja/Shani should be in 1, 4, 7, 8 12th house. Please reply with your family details and horoscope. sketproposal123@yahoo.com
Academically qualified kind-hearted and pretty, fair, slim daughter is sought by Sinhalese BG parents residing in Canada, for our only son graduated from a Canadian University, born September 1985, 5’7”. He is kind-hearted, well mannered, sober and a NS/TT who’s been brought up with SL Buddhist values. Gainfully employed in the field of Accounting in the Managerial category and is also pursing his MBA. Has good income and inherits substantial assets. Please email details and horoscope to proputha17@gmail.com
Academically / professionally qualified slim fair pretty never married partner below 38 years with great personality living in UK (preferred) or overseas (willing to migrate to UK) sought by respectable B/K mother for son, never married, migrated to UK at 20, fair, very young looking and very smart, down to earth with great personality, 5’9”, MSc. qualified freelancing IT consultancy in London. Drawing a substantial income very well established, owning his house outright and substantial other assets in UK/SL. Please reply to : ukt77@outlook.com
Affluent B/G professional father seeks a fair, beautiful and decent daughter with religious values for his son 27 years, 5’9”, N/S, T/T, handsome Trinitian. He follows Masters Degree in HR in University of Colombo at present and inherits valuable assets in Sri Lanka and abroad generating steady income. Kuja 7th house. proposalak@hotmail.com
Affluent respectable G/B educated parents seek a fair pretty kind well brought-up daughter from similar background for son 32 years, fair tall handsome kind academically and professionally well qualified, inherits valuable family assets holding a top management position in a highly reputed conglomerate. Please reply with horoscope with family details and contact numbers. fbyshare1234@gmail.com
An educated pretty slim age below 43 partner uphold Sri Lankan culture is sought for brother divorced plaintiff well employed in higher managerial position with professional degree smart young looking age 49, kind hearted, 5’8’’, Sinhalese Govi non-smoker, teetotaller, differences, Caste, Religion immaterial. Please respond with contact and family details. E-mail: lasura18@hotmail.com
A fair good looking age below 30 yrs. daughter from a decent family is sought by B/S parents for their NS/TT smart son, holds B.Sc (Hons) Degree from University of Moratuwa, working in an executive position in a well reputed company, drawing attractive salary over Rs. 300,000/= and owns wealthy assets, born 1984, height 5’4”. Only brother is a doctor. mprop84@yahoo.com
A respectable Southern Durawa Singhalese Buddhist business family, living in Colombo seeks a kind-hearted daugthter with good values for well-educated eldest son who is a toototaller & non-smoker. He was born in November 1981, height 5’2” educated in a prominent Colombo School & graduated with an Australian Business Degree now spearheads the BOI approved family business. Father professional turned Entrepreneur, mother housewife the only other Director in the Company. Younger son married, working at a managerial position in a Multinational. Caste immaterial. mag2max@gmail.com
A respectable S/G/B family seeks an educated daughter for their son, born 1979, 5’8’’,handsome, professionally qualified with sober habits and working for a US multinational company in a leadership position. Legally separated after a short incompatible marriage and without encumbrances. Should be willing to relocate. Please respond with family details and a copy of the horoscope. Email: [email protected]
A well educated Muslim family is looking for a religious qualified pretty and a caring bride (fluent in English) from a respected family for their brother age 38 separated and having 2 kids (with him). Height 5’7”. He holds a Master’s degree (Australia), an Economics degree (UK), CIMA, AAT and many other professional qualifications. He has his own business and house as well. We are expecting a bride who can be a wonderful mother to the kids. Please contact us on mobile: 031-2278956 or email: mohamedshan574@gmail.com
Bodu Govi well to do parents seek an educated daughter in IT/Doctor / Finance / Banking / Teaching / Business for their, 31 yrs 6 ft. handsome son with professional qualifications and graduate and postgraduate academic qualifications from a highly ranked university in UK, currently well employed with good means. Owns substantial assets for a comfortable living. Migration considered for right partner. Horoscope required. Email: ausprop1234@gmail.com
Bodu Govi, middle class family parents seek a daughter studying or living in USA, Canada or Australia for our son, studying in USA-CA (Bachelor of Kinesiology 3rd year). Born 1989, height 5’4”, NS/TT. Horoscope essential. Email proposal6363@gmail.com
B/G good looking son, the age of 31 who works in a reputed company, seeks a kind and attractive girl. She must be well accomplished. kasunthiva@yahoo.com
B/G parents seek a pretty educated daughter for NS/TT son born in 1980 and 5’6’’.Born and brought-up in Sri Lanka, US Citizen with BSc in Accounting, works as Finance Manager. Prefer Sri Lankan daughter living in USA, Canada who values Sri Lankan culture. [email protected]
B/G retired parents living in Colombo District seek an educated pretty well mannered daughter, preferably in Australia for their handsome well mannered son, 33 years, 5’9”, living and workingin Melbourne with dual citizenship. Reply with (non-malefic) horoscope. kusumjay2016@gmail.com
B/G well known respectable parents with substantial means seek a very pretty very slim educated well accomplished 5’2” to 5’6” tall daughter between 26 years and 30 years from a respectable family for their son 35 years of age 5’9” tall handsome well-mannered Chartered Engineer. He possesses a double degree and Master’s degree in Engineering. He is presently a senior Director in one of the most prestigious Sri Lankan companies. We would appreciate very much if you would kindly furnish the details of your family and the proposed daughter including her horoscope details which will be treated as strictly confidential. Please also furnish your contact deails including the telephone number. Email: enlight1213@gmail.com
Catholic mother seeks pretty educated daughter willing to migrate for her son born 1980, 5’10” handsome MBBS Doctor with sober habits residing abroad. Pls. reply with full details. wish2018@yahoo.com
Christian Dutch Burgher parents seek an attractive intelligent caring partner for their son 39 years old six feet tall employed as export businessman. Caste religion immaterial. Inherits substantial assets. He is divorced after a brief marriage and has no children. Studied in a leading school in Colombo. ferdiv@outlook.com
Colombo parents seek Royalist and London educated BA & MBA first Son 42years, 5’10’’ pious ardent Buddhist handsome son with assets (Divorced) a bride educated pretty very religious over 5’4’’ devoted wife with good manners horoscope essential. No Mars influences. Tel: 2586533
Colombo suburbs Bodu Salagama/Govi 28 years old Marine Engineer attached to a reputed sea line, handsome and educated at the best private school in Colombo with a very good family background having million worth property in Colombo looking for a pretty girl around 24. Family background is essential. kradesilva@yahoo.com
Colombo suburbs B/K parents seek a partner kind and fair above 35 years, 5’6” for their son with P.R in UK or Australia. Qualified LLB (Sri Lanka) and accountancy. First marriage legally separated Reply with the horoscope
Educated pretty bride preferably living in Australia sought for well established son Engineer living in Australia. 31 years 5’11” caring kind-Buddhist Govi mixed. Reply with family details & horoscope only by E-mail: chanda.jaya28@gmail.com
Engineering Consultant, 37 years old, divorced from an earlier marriage to a foreign lady, looking for a beautiful and slim lady with similar background, preferably foreign educated. Age, divorcee, religion, caste, and horoscope does not matter. Direct contacts only email: stevendesilva777@outlook.com 0112812019.
GB professional parents seek a pretty bride for their son an Electronics Bio-Medical Engineer having completed PhD in a very prestigious University in USA. He is fair handsome 5’8”. Born in December 1984. Email: damasena429@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist parents from Colombo seek a well accomplished educated pretty bride from a respectable family for their only child 1988 February born, completed a degree (B.Sc.) in Aviation Engineering in USA. Currently managing the family business. Owns assets worth over 350 million. Height 5’7”. ranjakaroyal@yahoo.com
Govi Buddhist parents with an established business in Colombo seek a well-mannered and well-educated daughter for their only son who is very religious, a teetotaller and a non-smoker. He holds several qualifications (CCHRM, ANDHRM, GDM, BBA), 5’6” of height and aged 27 years. He inherits several houses and properties in Colombo. Reply with a copy of the horoscope and family details with the contact numbers in the first letter. E-mail: sanula1990@gmail.com
Govi/RC mother seeks pretty educated partner for her handsome son 37 yrs, 5’7’’ postgraduate Chartered Accountant, currently reading for his PhD overseas. He will be in Sri Lanka for a holiday soon. Reply with details. Religious differences immaterial. E-mail: mrp008021@yahoo.com
G/B mother (Australian citizens) seek, an educated girl, from a respectable family with means, for son 41y, 5’10” tall IT Engineer, smart good looking, religious NS, T/T, has a house & a car. E-mail those willing to reside in Australia only. kanthib@hotmail.com
G/B parents seek a suitable partner residing in USA only for their son IT Diploma working in USA 1985 January 5’6” T/T N/S reply with horoscope. rjayakody89@gmail.com
Highly qualified well established Medical Doctor 5’8” Buddhist 52 yrs divorced from Sydney Australia is looking for a beautiful slim bride below 45 to settle down in Australia. He is visiting Colombo in December. Differences are immaterial. Please reply to doctorpropose@gmail.com
Invitation to an absolutely beautiful, fair, slim daughter who is very kind hearted, loving, and caring to introduce to our well accomplished, tall, handsome son. He is 33, non-smoker with sober habits. We are B/G family living in Australia and prefer a young daughter below 29, currently living in Australia or willing to migrate. If your daughter matches the above criteria, we would love to hear from you. Email us with full details. Kindly do not request photos in the first letter without sending a photo. Email : invitedaughter@bigpond.com
Kandyan Buddhits Govi respectable family from Kandy suburbs looking for a similar cast educated daughter from a respectable family. Being pretty and the ability to speak English are the most important factors. He is a good looking, well mannered, non-alcoholic, non-smoker. Substantial properties. 1982 June, 5’6”, graduate, Senior Software Consultant, in a reputed international software company in Colombo. (Kuja Shani in 8th house) Reply with family details horoscope and telephone number. Email: [email protected]
Kandyan B/G professional affluent parents, father Consultant, mother Teacher living in Europe seeks a beautiful fair and pretty Medical Doctor or Medical Student with excellent character from a respectable family with Buddhist values for their only very handsomed and well mannered son 26yrs old double graduated LLM and BBA. Two elder sisters hold LLM and holding very high professions, married. We all are due on holidays in December. Please reply with all details. [email protected]
Kandy affluent B/G professional father seeks a fair, beautiful and decent daughter with religious values for his son 27 years, 5’9” N/S, T/T, handsome Trinitian. He follows Masters degree in HR in University of Colombo at present and inherits valuable assets in Sri Lanka and abroad generating steady income. Kuja 7th House. proposalak@hotmail.com
Knowledgeable educated daughter age below 30, height above 5’ is sought by Colombo suburb G/B parents for their professionally qualified Engineer son working in Singapore 5’8”. Can consider to resettle in Australia and UK. Please contact with HC, family details. proposals821@gmail.com
Moor parents hailing from a well-connected, professional and business family background from Colombo is seeking for a bride from a Moor family for their professionally qualified only son aged 39 holding a high-profile position at the overseas headquarters of an international business group. He holds a dual citizenship and owns valuable properties in Sri Lanka and abroad. A fair tall professionally qualified pretty girl willing to live in a Western Country is preferred. He is planning to return to Sri Lanka for good in about five years. Please email bio-data of the proposed bride to: n10051946@yahoo.com
Moor parents seek educated well-mannered, religious daughter of about 23yrs for their son 27yrs, 5’11’’.He is a Royalist and his brother too. He is professionally qualified technician worked for four years at Emirates Air-Lines in Dubai and presently at Mercedes Benz, Abu Dhabi. Very soon will he migrating to Australia under skilled migration. [email protected]
Moor parent seeks good partners for their highly job daughters below 35, assets in Colombo. 0112387834 after 4 p.m. maharmuslim1@gmail.com
Moor respectable parents from Dehiwala seek fair, tall, educated and religious bride for their son. He is Six foot tall, fair and handsome. Presently working in middle east as an executive. Prefer brides from Dehiwala, Mt.Lavinia, Colombo-south areas and should in the age range 19-24yrs. Please forward your details to [email protected]
N/W Buddhist respectable business parents seek a fair slim very pretty daughter below 25 Doctor Engineer Lawyer or engaged in higher education for their 27, 5’9” NS/TT handsome Green Card holder son working as senior Software Engineer at a reputed International Company in USA. Owns family business modern vehicles house assets. Reply only if caste is immaterial. Contact No. needed. pathir1970@gmail.com
Respectable wealthy Buddhist parents from Colombo seek very pretty and fair daughter for their son who is 27 years of age (5’7” height) teetotaller and non-smoker handsome fair and very smart looking educated at Ananda College and completed higher studies owns successful business around Colombo. He inherits assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email: groom9191@gmail.com
Retired professional parents Buddhist from Kandy/Colombo currently living in Canada seek partner with accomplishments, Sri Lankan values and sober habits for academically qualified son, 28+, 5’8’’, slim and fair, working as a Software Engineer. Please contact with details. shubhaasiri@gmail.com
Seek a good looking Sinhala Buddhist girl who possesses US citizenship for our son 30Y who works in USA. Kuja 7, ccj10960@gmail.com
Sinhala Bodu Govi parents from Colombo suburbs seek a professionally qualified suitable partner, for their son born in 1989, 6’1’’ tall, who is an Australian PR holder living and working in Melbourne. He will be visiting Sri Lanka for December holidays. (Prefer daughter living in Australia or willing to migrate). Please e-mail with details. mrgprop4u@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Canada seek an educated pretty daughter brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values living in Canada or USA for their 5’11’’, slim, handsome, 26 years old, non-smoker, teetotaller, MSc qualified Engineer son. Please reply with family details. E-mail: propson92@gmail.com
Sinhala G/C parents from Colombo suburbs father professional seek fair pretty educated accomplished daughter less than 24 more than 5’3” for son qualified working in Canada as Senior Accountant born in 1991, 5’11” very fair handsome with assets in Sri Lanka. mproposalson@yandex.com
Tamil parents seek for an educated suitable partner for their 32 years old 5’10’’ height graduate son who is an Australian PR holder living and working in Melbourne. He will be visiting Sri Lanka for December holidays. priyan1785@gmail.com