‘Religious and ethnic diversity vital for economic stability’ | Sunday Observer

‘Religious and ethnic diversity vital for economic stability’

5 November, 2017

It is important to make our religious and ethnic diversity a resource and a blessing to achieve economic stability, rather than make our differences a burden, said Chairman of the National Media Center, Imtiaz Bakeer Markar.

“Irrelevant of whether we are Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Buddists, Christians, Hindus and Islamics, we are one nation. Therefore, rather than quarrel over our differences, we have to unite and stand up as one proud nation. If India and China can perform economic wonders, irrespective of being highly populated nations, a small country like Sri Lanka can definitely achieve this,” he said.

He made the above statement addressing the gathering at All Island Art and Essay Competition prize giving at BMICH.

He quoted Former Prime Minister D. S. Senanayake who has said no matter whether we are Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims, we are one nation.

“United as one nation, we can win a lot of things, by uniting we can ensure that we progress. If we divide we will be shattered,” Markar said.

He further said despite having ended a separatist war, our society has not escaped separatist sentiments.

“A minority uses these as agendas for in order to gain political and commercial benefits and in order to satisfy their narrow minded objectives. We have a duty to defeat the racism spread by these agents. Our majority, the educated class and those who love the country, should raise their voice against racism,” he said.

He added that it has been over 70 years since winning the freedom in 1948 and more than half of these 70 years are spent experiencing violence.

“We have to decide whether to let our children experience the same tragic society we did, or whether to let them live in peace,” he said. 
