Breast cancer is the commonest malignancy among Sri Lankan females. Yet , despite the free clinical services for examining them for the disease early, the large majority of women don’t use these facilities till the disease has advanced to a late stage”, Community Consultant Physician, Cancer Control Unit, Ministry of Health , Dr Nayana de Alwis, told the Sunday Observer.
She said, during this month which has been declared “World Breast Cancer Awareness Month”, due to the rise in breast cancer globally, the Cancer Control Unit under the Health Ministry would launch several programs to increase public awareness and action for early detection and prompt treatment of breast cancer.
“They will be aimed at encouraging women to be Breast Aware by using Self Examination ( BSE) methods, and also undergoing Clinical Breast Examination (CBE). However, although our clinics offer CBE, free to all members of the public ,these services are heavily under- utilised and they have advanced to a stage when it leads to more complications”, she pointed out..” Our clinic at Narahenpitiya is open five days of the week from 8a.m to 4 p.m .
Anyone can visit us without a referrel for a free examination of breast cancer, cervical cancer and oral cancer and advice from our professionals on self examination methods as well”, she said., reiterating the importance of early detection to prevent the disease.