HelpAge Christmas cards in aid of free cataract surgeries | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

HelpAge Christmas cards in aid of free cataract surgeries

24 September, 2017

It is only two more months for Christmas. This year too, HelpAge Sri Lanka (HASL) has produced over 500,000 Christmas and New Year greeting cards. Anyone who wishes to contribute towards the HelpAge free cataract surgery program, could now join this worthy cause by purchasing greeting cards for their loved ones, friends and relations.

The proceeds of the sales will be utilized to perform free cataract surgeries to underprivileged senior citizens, over 55 years.

The greeting cards adorn colourful photographs, paintings and graphic designs. The cards are on sale at very affordable prices at leading bookshops, and also at Cargills, Keells, Arpico Super Centres, and at HelpAge Head Office, No.102, Pemananda Mawatha, Raththanapitiya, Boralesgamuwa.

HelpAge, Executive Director, Samantha Liyanawaduge said any underprivileged senior citizen who wishes to undergo cataract surgery free of charge can visit the HelpAge Eye Hospital, No-14,Sinsapa Road, Wellawatta (Opposite Savoy Cinema) . The Hospital is open on week days only.

For more details, contact, 0112803752-4, 0114926358 and 4926948.
