The new Gazette bringing into effect the revised traffic fines for several offences is set to be released in two weeks time. According to the Chairman of the National Road Safety Council, Dr. Sisira Kodagoda, over 50 per cent of the documentation in relation to the Gazette has now been completed.
“The Gazette will definitely come into force before the month’s end,” he said when contacted, adding that the delay was due to the need in having to elaborate and give definite definitions to certain offences so that motorists will not be unfairly penalized by the Police.
When it comes into effect, motorists driving without a valid driver’s licence, employing a driver without a licence, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving into an unprotected railway road and driving without valid insurance will incur a fine of Rs 25,000.
Spot fines for speeding have also been revised. Speeding 20 percent above the limit will result in a Rs. 3,000 fine while speeding between 20-30 percent above the speed limit will be subjected to a fine of Rs. 5,000.
For speeding between 30-50 percent above speed limit, the fine is Rs. 10,000 and if over 50 percent above speed limit, the fine has been set at Rs. 15,000. Spot fines for several other offences have also been revised under the recommendations made by the Cabinet.