Sewerage disposal in to private land near Dadalla River collected from Galle, Hikkaduwa and Habaraduwa area have created a breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes by air pollution and water in the river, people living in the area told the Sunday Observer.
They said, “Earlier Galle Municipal Council (GMC) too emptied its gully bowers in to this private land but following complaints made by the people to the GMC and Health Authorities they stopped it.
But still over 25 to 30 private gully bowers which are collecting sewerage daily from Galle Hikkaduwa and Habaraduwa are dumping them in to a land near the river”, they added. When asked whether they have informed relevant authorities they said, “We have already informed the relevant authorities about disposal of sewerage by gully bowers in to this land near the river but so far no action has been taken”.
When contacted Health Authorities said “we have already informed this gully contractor not to dump sewerage nearby river in Dadalla since it would create numerous health problems among the people living in this area, but still he has not stopped this activity”.
They added it is not only human beings but fish in the river and birds living within the area will also be badly affected.
When asked Health Authorities as to why they do not take legal action they said, “Apart from Health Department there are two government institutions involved in this matter. They are Central Environment Authority (CEA) and Municipal Council (GMC).
“First we must verify whether any of these institutions either the CEA or GMC have granted permission for land owner to dump sewerage in this land. We have beeninformed the CEA and GMC regarding this sewerage disposal in Dadalla and we are waiting for their report to take necessary action, authorities said.
- Anura Maitipe