Free spectacles were distributed to the poor and the needy from the income earned from garbage collection and management by Sri Lankan student, Amali Athurugirige, a resident in Los Angeles, USA. Amali Athurugirige, a Grade 11 student living in Los Angeles, who is on holiday, distributed free spectacles during a Mobile Eye Clinic held in Doranagoda East, Bemmulla.
Amali, while studying in the USA, collected garbage and recycled them to generate funds for her project. Using the money earned out of garbage collection, Amali helped the poor villagers and the needy living in and around Doranagoda area in Bemmulla.
She is the only daughter of Athula Athurugirige and Ashoka Jayakody who are residents in the USA.
The recipients of the free spectacles at the mobile service commended Amali for her exemplary social service. Many people who attended the mobile service said, it is a commendable act for a student to help the needy from income generated through garbage collection and recycling.
A person who helps improve poor eye sight of people should be applauded, as it illuminates lives to a great extent, said the recipients of the spectacles.