Religious ceremonies to invoke good health on Ven. Galaboda Gnanissara Thero, Podi Hamuduruwo of Gangaramaya, Colombo 2 will be held from September 12 to 14, both, day and night.
The organisers invite friends, family members of Dayakas, the Maha Sangha connected to Gangaramaya, the Jinarathana Technical Institute students, past pupils and members of their families, and all those who helped the Kataragama Gangarama Pilgrims’ Rest.
The organizers wish to invoke blessings on those suffering from kidney disease and share the following message: “Kidneys are as important to the body as the heart.
“Today, many lose their kidneys. We invite all men of goodwill to come forward and join with us to protect Sri Lankans from this disease.
“As a first step, drink boiled cool water. Vegetables prepared for kidney patients should be first immersed in salt water. Do not consume contaminated food.
“Avoid meat products. Those who cannot avoid having even fish, should try to cut down in consumption. By being careful about the food and drinking pure water we can protect the kidneys.
“It is not necessary to donate cash for the kidney disease prevention program. We need your involvement, dedication, and example to have this disease eradicated.”