9 July, 2017
Mel Gunasekera
Mel Gunasekera

A few days ago former journalist Mel Gunasekera’s killer was sentenced to death: a punishment he certainly deserved. The accused, Anthony George was a house painter by profession and, a father of 4 children. It is indeed ironic that the murderer has the names of two prominent and venerated saints in Christendom. The Gunasekera family, who has suffered much trauma, can perhaps find some solace that the man who took away their precious daughter is now in jail, yet, nothing can bring back the vibrant life of Melicia.

So what exactly was the modus operandi of Anthony on that Sunday morning in 2014? Anthony had painted the residence of the Gunasekeras at Battaramulla some months ago. Thus, he was known to the family and also to their dogs. He had a somewhat detailed knowledge of their routines: knowing that they faithfully attended mass on Sunday mornings. Police investigations at that time revealed that he had entered the house via a grill after making a phone call to the residence (maybe to ensure there was no one to answer the phone)- which indicates that this was initially a pre planned act of robbery. He took advantage of the fact that the normally alert dogs were known to him. The robber panicked when he encountered Mel inside. We would never know whether he spoke to her or verbally threatened her. Confronted by the fact that he had been seen by Mel he swung into action to eliminate her- the only key witness to his illegal entry with criminal intent. This is a common feature in all break-in situations when the robber realizes he has been seen, be it a bank or a residence. His aim is to terminate the witness.

The fact the he used a knife, also shows, he was not armed with any other weapon - that he did not expect to confront anyone inside the house to use such deadly and demonic force- on the innocent victim. We could assume that Mel bravely resisted Anthony, as he had to use much force to subdue and finally kill her.

The autopsy report indicates a deep cut to the neck (showing that the painter had criminal intent and knew where to strike, although he had not committed any prior murders), supplemented by 53 cut wounds on various parts of the body. In criminal psychology we refer to this brutal action as ‘over kill” whereby the killer unleashes such fury even after the victim is dead. Such acts were common in the patterns of serial killers like Ted Bundy in USA. It seems, the humble handyman suddenly transformed into a maniac killer. As per records, he stole the victim’s brother’s clothes and dressed in them, as obviously his clothes were stained with Mel’s blood. It is shocking to know that he stole only Rs 1,200 and her blackberry phone. How much more precious was her life?

Forensic science can outline the mind of such a killer. He displayed a fractured psyche. Anthony lacked a coherent personality and would be emotionally immature. He lacked self control. The killing was committed on sudden impulse. The fact that he left her body in a pool of blood indicated a certain sense of hatred and that he wanted to make a statement, if not, he would have moved the body or covered it. Nevertheless, he had the cold mind of a text book killer as he had the nerve to change his clothes and make a clean exit. He was later arrested in his hometown, Dompe, by Police who waited in ambush. Looking at Anthony he is like any average Sri Lankan man, and wisely concealed the deep black abyss of hate, lust and greed that lay dormant within. The Mel Gunasekera case is a lesson to all on the importance of vetting those who come to work in our homes and also of securing our homes with safety systems that prevent crime. 
