The Department of Examinations has decided not to issue the results of the candidates who sit for the GCE (AL) Examination - 2017 at difficult and remote administrative areas while permanently residing in urban areas and obtain undue benefits to enter State universities, Senior Director of Education, Kurunegala, W.M. Balasooriya told a meeting of School heads of the Kurunegala District at the Wariyapola Teachers’ Resources Centre, Kurunegala on Wednesday..
“School principals who knowingly assist such candidates to commit these frauds will be interdicted with immediate effect,” he said.
About 60 such errant candidates who sat for the GCE (AL) Examination last year were caught red-handed and four school principals who were allegedly involved in assisting in such frauds were interdicted last year.
The names of those errant candidates were sent to the UGC for necessary legal measures. This year, the GCE (AL) Examination will begin on August 8.
The Commissioner General of Examinations, W.M.N.J. Pushpakumara has called on parents, teachers and other concerned parties to promptly inform his Department if they come to know about any malpractices or frauds taking place this year with regard to this public examination which determines the university entrance of the candidates, Balasooriya said.