Clarification : Prof. Yapa not in favour of glyposate imports | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Clarification : Prof. Yapa not in favour of glyposate imports

9 July, 2017

Professor P. I. Yapa, Professor in Ecological Agriculture of the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in a letter to the Sunday Observer said that he has never agreed to the removal of glyphosate ban in Sri Lanka, although he was mentioned on the list of committee members. This response is in reference to our lead story on June 18 on possible relaxation on banned herbicide glyphosate after a committee recommendation.

Prof P.I. Yapa also did not attend the Committee meeting held on December 6, 2016 and January 9, 2017, to discuss matters pertaining to the committee recommendations.

Prof Yapa adds that the as a well-known, ecological agriculture expert and environmentalist, both nationally and internationally, and as an academic, researcher, he is a staunch supporter of ecological agriculture and his aim is to achieve the goal of ‘Poison Free Sri Lanka’. 
