People - Ananda Wickramasekera: A man of great conviction | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

People - Ananda Wickramasekera: A man of great conviction

11 June, 2017

With more than 50 years of dedicated service to his profession, in Sri Lanka and in the UK, Ananda Wickramasekera is a name to be reckoned with and respected, especially, among the legal circuits in the Southern Province.

Referred to as a simple and humble patriotic son of Galle, Wickramasekera began his law career among some industrious names – the late Justice Christy Weeramanthry, in whose chambers he served his pupilage after passing the final examination with first class honours, and the late E. R. S. R Coomaraswamy PC, with whom he served as a junior for a short time, before joining the Galle Bar and specializing in Civil Law in 1963.

A Solicitor of England and Wales, Wickramasekera also practised in the UK for 18 years, working as in-house Counsel in the Legal and Parliamentary Department of the Greater London Council, and later, as Associate Solicitor with a very reputable private firm, John Perry & Co in Richmond.

However, since returning to Sri Lanka, he has focused his practice in the entirety of the Southern Province - Balapitiya, Galle, Matara, Hambantota, Tangalle and Elpitiya.

He celebrated 50 years in the profession in 2013, a milestone that was celebrated by the Bar, who took the opportunity to acknowledge his valuable contribution over the years.

Born in 1940, Wickramasekera who hails from Mihiripenna in Talpe, is the second of children born to G.K.F. Wickramasekera (an educationist, scholar, linguist and author) and Ariyawathi de Silva. He was educated at Ananda College and St. Bendict’s College Colombo.

Wickramasekera’s passion in his profession has greatly inspired his family, who has followed in his footsteps.

His younger brother Bindu is also a respected member of the Galle Bar and a Solicitor of England & Wales. His daughter Yasoda, is a Barrister of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, UK and a Barrister and Solicitor in Australia.

With unquestionable dedication to his profession, Wickramasekera’s passion, devotion and knowledge is unparalleled. He continues to practice in the varied civil courts in the Southern Province and the Provincial Civil Appellate High Courts.

His Chambers have produced a large contingent of Juniors who have now established their own lucrative practices, some of whom have adorned the judiciary.

Wickramasekera only appears as Counsel instructed by Attorneys at Law, conducting litigation entrusted to him irrespective of the social status of litigants and for a modest fee not dictated by current standards of practice. He firmly advocates for the irradiation of laws’ delays now existing in the courts and strongly believes that until substantial amendments are considered and brought about, delays could be minimized by the strict enforcement of the existing substantive and procedural laws.

His exceptional level of professional ethics and integrity is demonstrated in the fact that he voluntarily refrained from appearing before the then DJ A. W. A. Salam at Galle and Matara for a period of over two years, as he had been a member of Salam’s chambers.

As dedicated by Dr. Wickrema Weerasooria in acknowledgement of Wickramasekera’s Golden Jubilee:

“… Apart from being an ethical lawyer, Ananda Wickramasekera is always known for his humane qualities, which today some professions ignore in their pursuit of success and money at any cost.

Let me conclude by wishing this celebrity a long and healthy and above all happy life. It is not the years in one’s life that matters but the life in those years! Well done Sir….”

Wickramasekera continues to practice law in accordance with the best traditions of the Bar, living and breathing life into the prophecy of the late Justice J. F. A. Soyza. His prime objective is to strive to gain maximum relief to those whom he represents, within the existing bounds of law.

- Nalani Manatunga
