Football in forgotten state in Kandy | Sunday Observer

Football in forgotten state in Kandy

11 June, 2017

Kandy was once a powerhouses of Sri Lanka club football. But today it is in a forgotten state. When will the game of football that one time held its own and produced footballers of international class regain its former glory in the historic city of Kandy?

Today no one seems to care for football in the hill capital which has a history of over 90 years. The game is sadly neglected. For many years, tournaments and AGM’s were not being held on time in an organized manner. This has been a great set back for the sport.It is reliably understood even last year’s tournament have not been successfully concluded. Five months have already elapsed this year and no AGM has been held.

The FFSL is not showing any interest in Kandy football. It is time they woke from their deep slumber and started to move the game of football in Kandy towards the right direction which has today received step motherly treatment.

How can Kandy football representatives attend the AGM of the FFSL without holding their own meetings in Kandy. Football in Kandy was neglected from 2010 due to the weakness of the FFSL .

Kandy Football League is a founder member of the controlling body. At one time this league conducted over 150 matches a year, to day not even conducted ten matches, the decline started from 2010, due to the fault of the controlling body.

Football was introduced to Kandy in the mid 1920’s. During the Second World War, British units were stationed in Kandy, with the one time Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces in the South East Asia, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten having his headquarters in the hill capital.

Later on Kandy Amateur Football League was formed. It subsequently changed its name to Kandy District Football Association. It served football in Matale, Gampola, Nawalapitiya, Kurunegala and Kegalle, as the years passed by these towns formed their own associations. Today they can survive on their own .

When Football in Colombo and elsewhere received a setback as far as Ceylonese exponents of the game were concerned, the game was more or less confined to the permanent population as well as to the Services. Early in 1942, however, there appeared to be a lack of interest in the game, and the efforts made by S.C.Traill the then secretary to call a meeting of the League having failed he was compelled to return the trophies to the donors.

At that time the game seemed to be seriously affected. But fortunately G.H. Robins, T.P.C. Roberts who were then stationed in Kandy and M.S.Jainudeen were mainly responsible in resuscitating the game.

A tournament for the main shield was inaugurated with the participation of the Services Footballers in Kandy and football began to thrive again. At that time Bogambara was the location of high activity.

At one time Kandy had one of the biggest leagues with over 40 teams. The present day generation should be aware of the Kandy football history. Today football is not much heard of in Kandy, instead rugby is more popular both at club and school level. Football has apparently hit rock bottom.

Kandy won the All Island Senior and junior League championship for the first time under the presidency of B.M. Liyanage and H. Marikar in 1990’s. With this win Kandy was offered a tour Nepal to play in a tournament, for which teams from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal took part and Kandy was placed second. It was the first ever Kandy team

to tour overseas. Today in FFSL competitions no team from Kandy participates. Holding position in office for prestige sake is not what is required today. Officials must come forward and serve the game of football to prosper.

If football in Kandy is to improve the controlling body must put the leagues on the correct path.

It was a product of Kandy Tom Ossen an old boy of Dharmaraja College, who led the Sri Lanka football team then known as Ceylon in the first ever tour of the Far East in 1958. During that period, Tom Ossen was attached to the Kandy Municipal Council as a playground Instructor and represented Young Stars Sports Club and Kandy. Later he was the coach of the Peradeniya University team, Kandy Association Football League and a top grade FIFA referee. 
