Going out for dinner on a Friday night is steadily becoming an option for many in the Colombo city. I made my way to the Graze Restaurant, and found a table facing the serene pond.
The dazzling little eco system which entices many during the day looked even more tranquil at night, as the majestic swans seemed to stand still. The light gently resonating off the emerald green water really sets the mood for a night of relaxed dining.
The overall interior when lit up at night looks so much different when the Graze is permeated by sunlight during day. I began my evening, taking some prawns kept on ice; this is the best way to enjoy seafood in its most natural form, supplemented by a glass of margarita.
The olive tapenade on a slice of brown bread is another relish. I noticed the cheese untouched, perhaps it is a Sri Lankan mindset that this is not suited for a dinner table, but I proceeded to taste it and it was a rewarding decision. We Sri Lankans are so rooted in tradition, it’s time to unwind and adjust to understand the diversity in cuisine that is taking place globally.
I move along to the Chinese section and am greeted by the Chinese Chef, who very respectfully beckons me to try the BBQ belly of pork. Indeed pork has been a vital part of ancient Chinese food heritage. The consistency of the glaze around the pork was nice, and not too oily or overpowering. I could not resist the thin crust pizza. I observed two kinds of rice at this dinner buffet. Now, one may say rice is our staple food, yet, with so much variety at this dinner I could not fathom why someone would want to eat an enriched biriyani, which perhaps can be best enjoyed for lunch!
The Indian section offers some spicy masala laden delights.
However, the caparisoned brass elephant amid the lovely brass pots seemed a bit too gaudy and made that section look kind of crowded. Perhaps, the chubby brass elephant can be replaced with an elegant small ornamental Indian lamp. The crisp naan and mutton was delicious.
The battered prawns did release a bit too much salt. I was happy to note that Graze had sufficient vegetarian options too, so that those folk who love their veggies will not feel left out. Desserts are always an imposing temptation. This time at Graze I was totally seduced by the Blueberry Lavender cremeux opera.
The mellow purple color that radiated from this delicate dessert shows the prowess of the pastry kitchen. This is one of the best desserts I have had in Colombo, thus far. It had the right amount of sweetness. Again, it’s good that there were many fresh cut fruit for those souls who count their calories after going to the gym! All items were thoughtfully presented in good portion size.