Rukmani Eheliyagoda : Her home was an open house | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Rukmani Eheliyagoda : Her home was an open house

23 April, 2017

Sir Solomon Dias Bandaranaike’s granddaughter and Leo and Alex De Alwis’ daughter, Rukmani Eheliyagoda, fondly known as Rukie, saw the dawn of the day nine decades ago.

Her children eagerly awaited the celebration of her 91st birthday with her on 26 March 2017, when she received the call from her Maker on 19 March to step off the stage of life, and so she had to bid farewell to all of us as the curtain finally came down. She faced her death stoically, solemnly and serenely.

Even though she was born to an aristocratic family with the proverbial silver spoon in her mouth, she remained a simple, cheerful, graceful and dignified lady.

Many considered her an adorable angel who showered kindness and generosity on people and assisted them at every opportunity she got. She was a God-fearing person with an unshakable faith, whose zest and charm galvanized the prayer groups and the Christian circles she was connected with.

She was a prayer warrior who wrote down prayer requests received from others and prayed earnestly until they were resolved.

Rukie had an entourage of trustworthy friends from her old St Bridget’s days. She formed the ‘Action Group’ of old Bridgetines twenty five years ago and while undertaking charity work, they met every month to reminisce about their antics in the Convent boarding and outside. She also served as the Vice President of the SBC Past Pupils’ Association.

Being an intensely family person, she took great interest in her five children, four grandchildren and three great grandchildren with whom she was closely knit.

The Grand Matriarch of the Eheliyagoda family, was cherished and adored by the family and their spouses.

Royal-Thomian Big Match days were indeed days of fun when both the Royal and Thomian flags were hoisted at her home (she being a past Thomian girl and Percy a past Royalist) creating much noise, fun and frolic as family members cheered different schools. Just a few days before her departure, it was her final chance to wave the Thomian flag in high spirits singing Esto Perpetua.... normally reserved for youthful exuberance.

Her home down Chandraleka Mawatha, Borella, was an open house right through the year overflowing with warmth and hospitality. Christmas festive season and New Year celebrations were the highlights, being lively affairs.

A family tradition at New Year saw a table laden with seasonal treats with people visiting to wish her. She welcomed all with a smile that lit up the room. Many were the times when I sat with her to indulge in the festive favourites. This year it would be an empty table without her sparkling presence, reminding us of the idiom, that all good things must come to an end.

It is befitting to identify her with the virtuous woman extolled in Proverbs 31: where we could unhesitatingly echo that .... her children rise up and call her blessed... her values of openness and integrity blended with her wit, charm, sincerity and elegance, have indeed been an inspiration to many-both young and old-and all who knew her would deeply miss her as she departed to her heavenly abode, even while in her final moments, encouraging all to live life to the fullest and deeply trust God in all endeavours so that all may be well.

Hers was a life fully lived. Until we meet again.....

A family friend 
