Following the announcement by the Government of a solution to the crisis regarding the SAITM medical faculty in Malabe, the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) yesterday announced that they have finalized the criteria of minimum standards for medical colleges in Sri Lanka and for private medical faculties.
Chairman of the University Grants Commission, Prof. Mohan de Silva told the Sunday Observer that he has been informed that the SLMC has finalized the documents on minimum standards for medical colleges in Sri lanka.Explaining the future process regarding this issue, Prof. Silva said that the SLMC has to officially present the report to the Minister of Health since it was the Minister of Health who is responsible for gazetting it. To take future action the Minister of Health should be satisfied that it is not a partisan report.
He said if the Minister was not happy with the report he could get another expert committee to go through it. “If he was satisfied, it would send it to the Legal Draftsman and then to the Attorney General to see if it was in order only then will it be gazetted.”
He said that the UGC has no hand in it and will look into it only if it is asked to do so.