A much looked forward to event in the calendar of activities hosted by the Foundation is the Scrabble Tournament that is usually attended by many senior regulars who participate year after year with much enthusiasm.
The last Saturday in February is earmarked for this special event that draws much interest going by the regulars who have been participating from the very first tournament that the Foundation organised at the Barefoot premises.
This year, Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation (LAF) is looking forward to registering more participants.
February 25 it is, where refreshments and lunch are offered to participants only.
The Foundation opens its doors to their auditorium to a typical layout of a scrabble tournament orchestrated by Mrs. Shaila Amalean who herself is a national Scrabble player.
Those interested please register with the Foundation on 0112667080/82/84.
There will be an expected entry fee of Rs.2500 per participant while Corporates are kindly invited to send in their donations to sponsor a team of four or a player.