To avoid problematic issues: Overstaying Govt. teachers to be moved out | Sunday Observer

To avoid problematic issues: Overstaying Govt. teachers to be moved out

12 February, 2017

Kurunegala district UNP parliamentarian and Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, has instructed to effect transfers to all teachers in government schools who have overstayed in the same school continuously for over ten years.

The latest survey conducted by the Ministry of Education has shown that about 15,000 teachers are overstaying violating the Sri Lanka Teachers Service Code and the Establishment Code. All teachers are subject to be transferred after every 5 years of service in a school. Due to overstaying of teachers in the same school for a very long period of time, a number of problematic issues have come up in the administrative set up of most schools.

Sunil Hettiarachchi, Secretary to the Ministry of Education told in Kurunegala recently that there are some teachers who have been working at the same school for over twenty years continuously. Provincial Councils too have agreed on this decision of the Ministry of Education. Steps would be taken shortly to transfer such teachers to remote schools where a severe shortage of teachers exists, Hettiarachchi emphasized.
