Divergent views have not led to hiccups – Akila | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Divergent views have not led to hiccups – Akila

15 January, 2017

In spite of differences of opinion between the UNP and the SLFP in the National Unity Government, it has not led to confrontations or hiccups between the two major parties, UNP Deputy General Secretary and Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam said. The Minister admitted that the two parities are bound to have divergent views as the UNP and the SLFP have teamed up for the first time to form this Government.

“Although certain sections attempt to portray differences, there are no confrontations between the two parties. However, the nature of a single party-led Government cannot be seen in the National Unity Government. Even if there are divergent views, both parties unanimously take decisions at Cabinet meetings,” the Minister told the Sunday Observer yesterday.

The Minister said if some politicians in the Joint Opposition are dreaming of a Government of their own this year, they will have to struggle in their ‘dream world’ to achieve it. “When political parties and civil society groups criticise and point out the shortcomings of this Government, it means they are on the firm stance that Rajapaksas should not be returned to power at all,” he said.

The Government may have shortcomings but it is very much less when compared to the former UPFA Government. For example, the independence of the media today. We can see how the media criticises the Government, the President and the Prime Minister. The Government has ensured media freedom.

If we got involved and resorted to legal action, most of the JO politicians would be in jail by now. The Government has not taken revenge from its political opponents.

Minister Kariyawasam reiterated that the differences between the SLFP and the UNP will be sorted out in the near future. We all must get together by ironing out our differences to provide relief to the people. “That is why we move forward without leaving room for any split within the Government.”

The Minister said that it was obvious that at times SLFP and UNP Ministers make controversial remarks on some issues. That is something natural in a National Unity Government since the UNP and the SLFP are far apart in their ideologies. The President and the Prime Minister maintain cordial relations and act with mutual understanding. If two parties with completely different ideologies could get together and form a Government, what cannot they achieve.
