High level of progress achieved in women and children’s affairs | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

High level of progress achieved in women and children’s affairs

8 January, 2017

The Ministry having identified the fact that the structures in place for the purpose have to be improved for further strengthening of child care and development process, has taken steps to increase efficiency by setting up Women and Child Development Units at Divisional Secretariat Division level, setting up Police Children and Women’s Bureau units, filling the vacancies at Divisional level for Field Officers and setting up Day Care Centres linked to government offices to ensure the safety of children during office hours of parents,
– Chandrani Bandara

Speaking to the Sunday Observer about the key developments which has taken place after the new government was elected in January 2015, Minister of Women and Child Affairs, Chandrani Bandara said, “In comparison to previous years, 2016 can be described as a year in which an obvious change and a high level of progress were achieved in the fields of women and child affairs. Specially, through the implementation of several nationally and internationally important policy decisions we were able to cause a transformation for the development of women and children in 2016.
“Receiving Cabinet approval for allocating a minimum of 25 percent of the provisions received for rural economic development for the benefit of women, program implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Housing and Construction to provide loans for low income families of widows and women heads of household for the construction of houses, receiving Cabinet approval for the National Action Plan to minimize Gender Based Violence and formulation of the National Policy for Women Headed Families are significant among them.”

“When the field of Child Affairs is considered, the aim of minimizing the number of low birth weight babies in Sri Lanka is being achieved through the successful implementation of the program to provide a nutrition allowance to pregnant and lactating mothers, similar to the previous year but with various changes. In addition to that, the program operated up to now to provide a glass of milk for preschool children is expected to be implemented in a novel way from 2017, by providing a nutritious breakfast instead of the glass of milk for the Divisions with the highest rates of malnutrition,” Minister Bandara said.

She said that provision of an allowance of Rs. 250 to preschool teachers, an interim budget proposal of 2015, has been successfully implemented from 2016 through the Children’s Secretariat.
“We have also implemented a project of the World Bank to ensure a high quality early childhood development services with minimum of discrepancy among Divisions. At the same time, action has been taken to carry out the renovation and construction work of the Day Care Centres under the project to prevent child abuse and violence against women. However, we have a long way to go in our mission for the creation of a women and child friendly society where they can lead satisfied lives free of any form of violence or impediment. I expect the direct contribution of all parties in the country in this endeavor,” she said.

State Minister of Child Affairs, Vijayakala Maheswaran said, “At a time when child abuse and several varied social issues have emerged, a number of positive measures have been taken by this Ministry within 2016 to ensure the opportunity for Sri Lankan children to grow up in a child friendly environment where their rights are safeguarded. In the meantime, Daruwan Surakimu (Let’s protect the children) national program has been commenced under the leadership of the Presidential Secretariat as well to be operated with a more efficient mechanism and a collaborative approach by the government and non-governmental institutions. In addition, Cabinet approval has been received in 2016 for the Strategic Plan for the Prevention of Child Abuse and it is being implemented by now.”
“Program to provide a pack of nutritious food to pregnant and lactating mothers, program to provide a glass of milk for preschool children, program to provide an allowance for Lama Diriya preschool teachers are being implemented in all 25 districts covering all the Divisional Secretariat Divisions. At the same time, Cabinet approval has been obtained to provide a nutritious breakfast to selected preschools with many undernourished children as a new approach for improving the nutrition level of children in their early childhood and arrangements are being made to implement this from 2017 instead of the Glass of Milk program,” State Minister Maheswaran said.

She said that the Five Year Action Plan for Children (2016- 2020) formulated along six key themes has received Cabinet approval and it is a strong forward step for the development of children.
“The Ministry having identified the fact that the structures in place for the purpose have to be improved for further strengthening of child care and development process, has taken steps to increase efficiency by setting up Women and Child Development Units at Divisional Secretariat Division level, setting up Police Children and Women’s Bureau units, filling the vacancies at Divisional level for Field Officers and setting up Day Care Centres linked to government offices to ensure the safety of children during office hours of parents,” she said.
