Christmas messages | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Christmas messages

25 December, 2016

Christmas embodies loving kindness: President Maitripala Sirisena

Religion is one of the most precious guiding lights of human civilization. Religion makes people show compassion and kindness to others and be empathetic towards others.
Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born into this world in an era when immorality, chaos and cruelty was the order of the day. Since then, the new religious vision that emerged centering around a humble dwelling, shines eternally as a mark of human greatness.
Christmas, which is celebrated by all Christians around the world as a universal festival, embodies loving kindness. Jesus Christ, who could reduce power-crazy kings such as Herod to a mere mention in history, was a great messenger of reconciliation and social righteousness to the world. This makes Jesus Christ an eternal saviour to people around the world.
I extend my warmest greetings for a wonderful Christmas to all Christians who nourish the teachings of universal love, peace, happiness and kindness.
I wish a Happy Christmas full of Peace and Joy to all Christians.
- Maithripala Sirisena

Christmas, a time of fellowship: Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe

Every Christmas, Christians rejoice in celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace, in a spirit of fellowship and love.
Birth unites the world in a strong bond of compassion, warmth and love for mankind. Let us embrace the spirit of fellowship renewed through the birth of Jesus Christ as a theme that will truly inspire all of us, to reflect on the message of peace and love He brought to the world.
This Christmas, let us truly aspire to create an environment in which we can love one another in harmony, tolerance and co-existence that was and is central to the birth and life of Jesus Christ.
May all Christians in Sri Lanka and all over the world experience a season of joy and peace in celebrating the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas to you all.
- Ranil wickremesinghe

Christ preached the message of love : Former President - Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga

I wish to convey to all Christians, as well as others, my sincere good wishes for their well-being and happiness in this period of festivities and celebration, marking the birth of the Christ Child. He came into this world to preach to the humblest and the non-believers, a message of love, compassion and forgiveness and peace.
The people of our country have chosen the path of unity and reconciliation and are engaged in building an inclusive society and a pluralist Nation. Let us have confidence and faith in the goodwill and assurances of our peoples, as well as our friends in the international community, and take strength to continue in our just cause
I take this opportunity to wish all Christians a blessed and peaceful Christmas.

Christmas: Peace and goodwill to a world in conflict : Bishop of Colombo- Rt.Revd Dhiloraj R. Canagasabey

Another Christmas season dawns, reminding us of the proclamation of the angels; Peace and Goodwill to a world in conflict, racked by violence and turmoil, full of uncertainty and fear.
There are two parallel Christmas festivals in our world, today. The first, the very visible universal celebration, of consumerism, merry making and good cheer. The second, during which we are called to reflect on and respond to the seminal event of the incarnation, that of Jesus stripping himself of the nature of the Godhead to become nothing, a helpless infant, totally in the care of two earthly parents, so that we could be transformed and reconciled, having the mind of Christ in us (Phillipians 2:7).
The message of true Peace is so vital for us, for our country, and for our world.May that light of the incarnation dawn in our lives and enlighten us this Christmastide.
With Prayers and Blessings!

 Eternal message of humility: Minister of Christian Religious Affairs - John Amaratunga 

With the dawn of Christmas we in Sri Lanka will join the rest of the world in celebrating the birth of Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
Christmas is all the more significant for us Sri Lankans following the birth of peace after the three decade long conflict. With the dawn of Christmas this year, Christians across the country will celebrate the great humanity, love and kindness that the birth of Jesus heralded in Bethlehem 2016 years ago. The fact that the Son of God was born in a humble manger on a bed of straw reminds humanity of the eternal message of humility that God expects from all of us. It is, therefore, important that we keep in mind the true meaning of Christmas and think of the less fortunate and downtrodden in this season of giving and forgiving. It is by doing this that we give pride of place to the Prince of Peace this Christmas.
While celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace we have a responsibility to spread the love, kindness and forgiveness of Jesus and help unite our people in order to forge lasting peace.
I wish everyone a very happy and blessed Christmas.
