Police Sergeant stabbed to death | Sunday Observer

Police Sergeant stabbed to death

18 December, 2016

A Police Sergeant attached to the service of Senior DIG S.M. Wickramasinghe, head of the President’s Security Division (PSD) was found stabbed to death on Friday night in a house belonging to the senior officer in Polonnaruwa New Town, Police said yesterday.

According to the Police media unit, the victim was found dead by a security assistant of the Police, when he had visited the house to inquire regarding a motorbicycle the victim had borrowed from him earlier in the day.

Informed sources in the Police said while the house was generally unoccupied, the deceased along with another Police officer would reside in the house during duty visits to the town.

The Police sergeant, said to be a resident of Medirigiriya had on the day borrowed a motorbicycle of another Police officer having concluded his shift and visited the house to have a bath.

Initial Police investigations have revealed the victim was stabbed to death by an unidentified person who had later escaped on the motorbicycle borrowed by the victim. The Police believe the Sergeant may have possibly interrupted the suspect in the process of an attempt at theft.

According to Polonnaruwa SSP Laksiri Wijesena a team from the Criminal Investigation Department is carrying out investigations into the incident. No arrests have been made in connection the incident as yet. 
