The maximum retail price for rice will remain stable during the festive season, the Chairman of the Paddy Marketing Board (PMB), M.B. Dissanayake said.
According to him, consumers do not have to fear a possible shortage or price increase of rice during the month as the Paddy Marketing Board is currently in possession of 200, 000 metric tons of rice and will release them in stages if a need arises.
¨I must admit there is a shortage of rice at present,¨ he said adding that, therefore, according to Cabinet decision the release of rice to the open market was halted to avoid a future scarcity of rice.
¨If such a shortage does occur, we will release our stocks gradually to curb the shortage and control any possible price hike,¨ he said.
Meanwhile, Minister of Rural Economic Affairs P. Harrison said that rice will be imported to control prices and supply if traders try to create an artificial rice shortage during the upcoming Christmas and Sinhala and New Year seasons. The Minister making the comment in parliament this week said the Department of Agriculture is currently in possession of rice sufficient till April 2017. According to the Minister, however, facing a possibility of middlemen creating an artificial shortage of rice in the market the government is prepared to import 5,000-10,000 metric tons of Nadu Rice to control the price at Rs. 50-60.
The Minister assured that consumers will not face a rice shortage in the market.