Purchase of vehicles for Ministers: Supplementary estimate for Rs 791 m presented | Sunday Observer

Purchase of vehicles for Ministers: Supplementary estimate for Rs 791 m presented

27 November, 2016

A supplementary estimate to purchase 28 cars at a cost of Rs.791 million for 27 Ministers, Deputy Ministers, State Ministers and Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan was submitted to Parliament yesterday seeking its approval.

Among those who sought vehicles are seven Ministers, eight Deputy Ministers and 12 State Ministers.

Leader of the House and Higher Education and Highways Minister Lakshman Kiriella presented the supplementary estimate to Parliament which contained 22 proposals to cover the expenses of purchasing 28 cars at a total cost of Rs 791 million dated June 24, 2016.

The approval of the House for purchasing cars had been sought as per the Presidential Secretariat Circular No CSA/1/6 dated 18-05-2016.

Approval had been sought by the estimate to allocate Rs 14 million to purchase two vehicles for the Deputy Minister of Megapolis and Western Province Development, Rs 35 million to purchase a car to the State Minister of Higher Education and Highways.

Among the other allocations are Rs 7 million to meet the balance allocation for purchasing a vehicle for Deputy Minister of Housing and Construction, Rs 7,000,000 to meet the balance allocation for acquisition of a vehicle for Deputy Minister of Foreign Employment, Rs. 35 million for State Minister of Finance, Rs 35 million to purchase a vehicle for Minister of Foreign Employment.

Approval has also been sought for the allocation of Rs 35,000,000 to purchase a car for the Deputy Minister of Posts, Postal Service and Muslim Religious Affairs, Rs 7,500,000 to buy a car for Deputy minister of Public Administration and Management, Rs 14,000,000 to meet the balance allocation for acquisition of two vehicles for Deputy Minister of Telecommunication and Digital infrastructure, Rs 35,000,000 to purchase a car for Leader of the Opposition, Rs. 70 million to purchase two vehicles for the Minister and Deputy Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine.

The supplementary estimate also seeks the approval to allocate Rs. 70 million to purchase two vehicles for Minister and Deputy Minister of Public Enterprise Development, Rs. 35 million to purchase a vehicle for the Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade, Rs 35,000,000 to purchase a vehicle for State Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government, Rs. 70 million to purchase two vehicles for Minister and Deputy Minister of Ports and Shipping, Rs. 35 million to buy a car for State Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Rs. 35 million to purchase a car for Deputy Minister of Rural Economic Affairs, Rs. 70 million to purchase two vehicles for the Minister and Deputy Minister of Women and Child Affairs, Rs. 35 million to purchase a car for State Minister of Skills Development and Vocational Training and Rs. 70 million to purchase two vehicles for the Minister and State Minister of Science, Technology and Research.

Another proposal to obtain Rs. 35,000,000 to purchase a vehicle for the State Minister of Higher Education and Highways in addition to the previous proposal had been included in the estimate. (UK)
