Prices of more drugs to be reduced | Sunday Observer

Prices of more drugs to be reduced

27 November, 2016

The maximum retail prices for more medicines recognized will be implemented shortly. Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Minister Rajitha Senarathne speaking to the Sunday Observer said the price regulations will come into place soon after the successful conclusion of the discussions that are being carried out currently.

“The prices will be reduced after discussions are concluded and we should be able to finalise it very soon,” the minister said. The prices of 48 drugs were controlled with effect from last month. This comes with the initiative of the Health Ministry to provide good quality medicines to the public at an affordable price aligning with the national policy proposals brought in by Prof. Senaka Bibile.

With the implementation of the price ceiling pharmaceutical companies will not be allowed to price arbitrarily as they will have to abide by the maximum retail price.

With such reduction of prices the officials must be mindful of scarcity of medicines and make those drugs available through state Pharmaceutical Corporation. Retaliating any possibility of medicine scarcity Minister said that the government is ready to face any situation that will arise out of such price control.
