‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’ feast in Kurana | Sunday Observer

‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’ feast in Kurana

27 November, 2016

The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’ on December 12.

The Mother of God appeared to Mexican native Juan Diego from December 9 to 12, in 1531 and left on his tilmac (apron) her image which up to now has been acknowledged as scientifically unexplainable.

The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in Kurana, Negombo will celebrate its parish feast day in its almost completed refurbished church building dedicated to ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’ on December 12. The Roman Catholic congregation that celebrates the liturgy the traditional way (Latin and Gregorian) is not unknown to the locals who gratefully recall the material and spiritual assistance provided to the severally hit fishermen at the time of the 2006 tsunami.

A Gregorian sung Mass will be officiated by Reverend Father Fabrice Loschi*, SSPX, on the feast day at 9:30am at the church in Kurana. Thereafter there will be an explanation of the construction status which will comprise a unique Portuguese Azulejos tiles facade representing the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The day’s program will conclude with benediction and lunch. 
