Akuressa PS dumps garbage on prohibited site | Sunday Observer

Akuressa PS dumps garbage on prohibited site

13 November, 2016

Employees of the Akuressa Pradeshiya Sabha defy the orders of their own Secretary as well as the Urban Development Authority and even the Ministry of Defence and dump garbage on a plot of land by the side of the road that bypasses the town. The dump is an eyesore as well as a big stink and is getting bigger as the Akuressa Pradeshiya Sabha continue to dump three to four tractor loads of garbage each day!

“The sign boards have become a joke and serve no purpose as it is the very people who put up the boards prohibiting the dumping of garbage that dump garbage right under it at least they could have removed the boards if they have no alternative” said an irate rate payer. “The stench is unbearable when it rains,” he added.
