Spinal patient needs help | Sunday Observer

Spinal patient needs help

30 October, 2016

Sriyani Battage (49) of Kuruduwatte Road, Athurugiriya has been diagnosed with multilevel degenerative disc disease involving cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, needing immediate surgery.

Consultant Neurosurgeon, Dr. Sunil Perera has recommended Lateral Mass Screw Fixation at the Central Hospital, Colombo. In the absence of unforeseen complications, the procedure is estimated to cost around Rs. 1,800,000, inclusive of hospital and equipment charges and professional fees. She may also need extended ICU care.

Her husband D.D. Palitha Premaratne appeals to the generous public for financial assistance. Contributions may be remitted to A/c No. 003020686939 of Hatton National Bank, The Central Hospital Branch, Colombo 10.
